How to Eat Healthy For Weight Loss

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For many people diet is the main obstacle for fat loss. Even thin clients of mine want to know how to shed the layer of stubborn fat on their stomach, to achieve a solid six pack. The problem with fat (especially around the midsection!) is that it is the last to go. People who have lost weight can tell you, that you lose weight in the limbs first, then the back, hips and then finally, the abs. It is the fat that has been with us the longest, (think baby fat) and sticks around, after excess weight has been shed.

The trick to getting rid of this stubborn layer, is all in the diet. Many fitness and bodybuilding diets are really hard to maintain for life, and the results do not stick around forever. The answer is to stick with a balanced diet for slower, but lasting results.

How to Eat for Healthy Weight Loss

1. Eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day.

Most people have heard of this technique before. The reason this works is because it keeps your metabolism working regularly, and digesting less amounts of food at a time. This results in a faster metabolism. Not eating in between meals will make you hungry, and your body goes in to “starvation mode,” and will start to grab fat from the food you are eating, to store as energy. The metabolism also has a lot to process with bigger meals, and digestion becomes slower. Eating smaller, more frequent meals, speeds the metabolism and uses more carbohydrates as its main source of fuel.

2. Eat balanced carb and protein meals.

A lot of body building diets do yield great results. However, this is achieved by a diet very high in protein. Diets that restrict carbs cause stomach aches and headaches. Carbohydrates feed your brain, and give you energy to do all of the activities necessary in a day. Not to mention, your body craves them. You may get that fabulous six pack but as soon as you eat normally again, the weight will come back, with a vengeance! The best thing to do, is eat a portion of lean protein (the size of the palm of your hand) and a portion of carbs (brown rice, whole wheat couscous or pasta, veggies) and drink a lot of water.

3. All Calories are NOT created equally.

Counting (or at least ball parking) calorie consumption is a good way to go, to make sure you are not over or under eating. However, the problem with this method, is many people will go for a less than ideal meal or snack because it has a less calories than a healthier, fattier option. For example, as a bedtime snack there are almonds, or a granola bar. Almonds are high in calories and fat but the granola bar, even though it is low in both is made from pure sugar. The first ingredient in granola bars are usually glucose/fructose. Simple, processed sugars will not help you cut fat, whereas the healthy fats and protein in almonds will. Choose your snacks wisely, and do not become calorie obsessed.

The bottom line is that it is a challenge to get a flat stomach and a great six pack. When you finally get one, you want to keep it! Eat smaller balanced meals, and choose your snacks wisely and you are well on your way!