Weight Loss Diets – Put Some Fun Into Fat Loss

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Are you struggling with fat loss? Weight loss diets should be fun – after all, you’re developing a new healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss diets are often thought of as slow torture for those of us who are constantly trying to lose weight. But it’s important to remember that you will stick with anything if you can make a game of it. Here are some ways to make weight loss diets fun.

1. Make it a challenge. Find a way to reward yourself for every small success. For example, for every workout you complete, put a dollar in a jar. For every five pounds you lose, buy yourself a pretty new accessory. Just be sure those prizes are not food.

2. Have a weight loss buddy. Almost every activity is better if you share it with a friend. That motto is definitely true of weight loss diets. Go on the diet with your spouse or a friend and see who can lose the most weight, or lose it the fastest. Get together for a walk once a week to share your struggles and successes.

Or, you can compare weight loss diets. Instead of going on the same diet with your friend or spouse, try using two different diets and compare the results. That way, you will know if one works significantly better than the other. You will also find out which one is easiest to follow.

3. Try a new activity. All good weight loss diets have an exercise component, or at least encourage moderate exercise. Make this the time to try that new activity you’ve heard about. If you’ve been curious about Latin or ballroom dancing, this is a great time to just do it.

Or, this can be the time to try new foods. Dieting is supposed to train you to choose better, healthier foods, so this is the perfect time to try different fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish. Don’t worry: If you or your family don’t care for tilapia, you don’t have to buy it again.

4. Lighten up. Weight loss diets don’t have to be all serious. Find some cartoons or humor books that talk about the lighter side of weight loss. Laughter can be the best medicine when you just can’t take another sit-up or rice cake.

5. Find stories of people who inspire you. Weight loss magazines and television shows feature many people who have met challenges far worse than yours. Find one that really inspires you and keep a copy of their story nearby to inspire you. Do what they did.

6. Give yourself a break. Diet and exercise are part of life. They are not supposed to be your whole life. If weight loss diets are getting you down, maybe you should step back and consider whether you are overdoing your efforts. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. The weight did not get there overnight, so it won’t leave overnight either, much as you want it to. Give yourself permission to take off the pounds slowly.

7. Smile. Just the simple act of smiling can brighten your day. Need something to smile about? Think about how you are enjoying learning a whole new lifestyle. You are becoming healthier and more attractive and adding years to your life. You are also discovering that weight loss diets can be fun.