9 Foods for a Longer, Healthier Life

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Some foods in this world can simply work wonders to the human body. My hope in sharing this information with you is that you will simply use it. Use what you learn here on a daily basis to sculpt a healthier life for yourself and for your family.

Here are 9 antioxidant-packed foods that can help you live longer and live healthier:

~Blueberries – This blue wonder berry helps in the prevention of heart disease and is bursting with antioxidants. Blueberries are high in fiber and low in calories and can be added fresh straight into cereals and oatmeal or just eaten by the handful for a burst of health.

~Blackberries – If being super rich in vitamin C and fiber isn’t enough for you, blackberries have been known to decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease in people!

~Cranberries – Renown for their wonderful ability to decrease urinary tract related issues, cranberries also help decrease the risk of heart disease, some cancers, and memory loss. Cranberries can be easily added to many dishes, just get creative!

~Raspberries – Besides being absolutely delicious and one of my personal favorite foods out there, raspberries also help to fight cardiovascular diseases, cancer, inflammation in the body and to reduce arthritic pain.

~Prunes – Although infamous for what some might call a slight side effect, prunes actually have been shown to help slow age related mental and physical issues and are a great snacking fruit.

~Red Beans – Full of iron and antioxidants as well as the ability to protect against heart disease, red beans are easily added to many dishes or as a simple dish themselves. Try adding red beans to spinach or other rich leafy greens, add some tomatoes and some parmesan cheese and you have a very healthy meal!

~Pinto Beans – Low in fat, zero saturated or trans fats, high in protein, fiber, iron, folic acid, potassium, and the ability to reduce high blood pressure and risk of stroke….what DON’T pinto beans do for you?

~Kidney Beans – Obviously you see a trend growing here…Legumes (nuts, beans, peas) work wonders on your body. Try substituting meat for legumes a few times a week for incredible overall health benefits. 1/2 a cup of beans constitutes about 10% of your daily folate needs, which many people fall short of very frequently.

~Artichokes – Delicious by themselves, fresh, or cooked…artichokes hold enormous nutritional value. High in vitamin C, fiber, and folate while very low in calories and sodium. Add to salads for an easy start to introducing artichokes into your regular diet.

Some of these might not be news to the health nuts out there, and that’s great! Keep enjoying the benefits of these foods. However, for those of you who may not have realized how important these natural foods are, I hope you have learned something. These foods are not only great for you, but they are great tasting and easy to cook with. I supplement them into many of my own recipes that I cook at my restaurant or that I have put into my story-cookbook.

It’s all about being creative and to not think about it as a diet, but just the new way you eat. If not for yourself, do it for your children or your family. They deserve a long, healthy life!
