Home Health Care Technology – Baby Boomers Require Action to Age in Place

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Home health care technology can assist baby boomers to successfully age in place by promoting independence and offering assistance when it is needed.

Boomers have made it perfectly clear they want to remain in their communities and stay in their homes for as long as possible. The results of a survey conducted by The American Association of Retired Persons of September 2008 asked baby boomers if they agreed with this statement:

“What I’d really like to do is stay in my current residence for as long as possible.” The results were:

  • 80% of those between the age of 55-64 agree
  • 88% believe that it is likely that they can
  • 75% of those that responded between the mid 50’s and mid 60″s believe some aspect of their home will challenge their ability to do so (stairs being the biggest obstacle with 24%).

So here is the surprising, yet disturbing news. Clarity conducted a research study that studied two groups: Baby Boomers between the ages of 43 – 61, with aging parents and seniors, age 65 plus, and still living independently, at home.

The results of this study:

  • 53% of the aging seniors in the study were concerned about their ability (despite their desire) to remain in their own homes. They cited concerns about health, memory and the ability to drive.
  • When asked about fears, seniors 26% ranked loss of independence. The highest,13%, feared moving into a nursing home and 3%, had a fear of death.
  • 51% of boomers believe there is technology to help their parents. But only 14% have looked for any home health care technology.

Aging seniors and baby boomers rank moving into a nursing home higher than they fear death.

Baby boomers require taking action to successfully age in place and home health care technology is there to support them and their aging loved one. It is important to be proactive and not reactive to researching home health care technology.

Research shows that most home health care technology is initiated in the home, only after an incident occurs. This incident, with an aging senior often results in an unnecessary hospitalization. Most accidents, that happen at home, can be prevented. The technology is available to maintain independence, prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and improve the quality of life of our aging seniors.

Home health care technology is available to aging baby boomers now. In order to successfully age in place requires planning. Many boomers have aging loved ones that they are presently taking care of and providing assistance in the home. It will not be long and the boomers will require care and have the same goals: aging in place. Boomers, take action now to make your goal of aging in place a reality.

Diane Carbo Registered Nurse has more than thirty five years in the nursing field. Her experience as a geriatric care manager, makes her uniquely qualified to help those who want to live out their lives in their own homes. That decision may be made when you are 20, 30, 40 or in fact at any age, with sooner rather than later being ideal. Diane has developed a web site to make people aware of issues and options. You will find a mountain of helpful information that will be continually updated.