Paleo Recipes: A Way to Get a Healthy Lifestyle

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If this is said that, “Describe the paleo recipes in one single sentence”; the sentence will most likely to be “A way to get healthy lifestyle”. One question that people will surely have in their minds after reading the previous line is; why paleo recipes? How these recipes or diet plans could be a way to get healthy lifestyle is next thing, first thing is why these recipes can provide hale and hearty lifestyle? Are these recipes such valuable that this sentence can be said for them with such a great confidence? Following paragraphs will discuss the true worth of these legendary recipes.

In relation to above, paleo diet plans are actually an accumulation of about 400 recipes. The recipes are consisted of different foodstuffs which were used by our ancestors. Most renowned foodstuffs from these recipes are raised meat, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and roots, fish etc. These foodstuffs actually contain huge quantities of those elements which provide strength, vigor, energy and vast stamina to our bodies. These elements include protein, vitamins, niacin, folic acid and lycopene. Niacin and folic are also known as vitamin B3 and B9.

All the elements stated above have their own importance and significance for providing an ideal and healthy life style to us. Let’s have a go through that how these components put changes into our internal system and make our bodies healthy and fit.


Protein is an element which human body needed in an excessive amount than other friendly elements like fat or carbohydrates because human body stores fat and carbohydrates but not protein. So, protein should necessarily be provided to the body when it needed and paleo recipes are the best way to do this job.

Protein is an essential part of human body’s building blocks called cells. Body components and chemicals like iron, hormones, zinc and enzymes need protein for their reproduction. These chemicals and components are necessary for anabolism and catabolism processes. Protein is necessary for strong bones, muscles, blood and skin too. Nails and hairs are also made of protein.


There are many vitamins that human body contains. These vitamins are equally necessary for the growth of good internal system and attractive physical appearance. Some important vitamins are A, B1 or thiamine, B3 or niacin, B6 or pyridoxine, B9 or folic acid, B12, vitamin C and D and finally vitamin K.

Vitamin A is necessary for cells reproduction and it helps to maintain healthy skin. Vitamin B1 is needed for good heart performance. It also helps cells to convert carbohydrates into energy. Vitamin B3 helps digestive system to work properly and convert foodstuff into energy. Vitamin B6 acts as a protector of immune system by producing antibodies. Vitamin B9 is essential for reproduction of components of nervous system and plays central role for suitable cell growth. Vitamin B12 is essential for metabolism process in the body. Vitamin C protects the body from the bad effect of free radicals, produced as outcome of metabolism in the system. Vitamin D supports absorption of calcium and magnesium. Importantly, vitamin K improves blood circulation in the body and prevents blood clotting.


Lycopene is a useful element for human body, especially for the skin of males and females. This is mostly found in tomatoes. The red color of tomato is due to the presence of lycopene in it.

Lycopene plays vital role in the development of body’s internal system. Research says that it is a strong antioxidant which reduces the effects of free radicals, ones originated from the oxygen. It also decreases the cholesterol level in blood and makes circulation easy. Moreover, it minimizes the risk of cervical cancer in women and in men, improves fertility and increase sperm count.

The importance of proteins, vitamins and other elements is clear from the above paragraphs. Paleo recipes are the main source of these essential elements; this is why our ancestors were physically strong and healthy people. Their lives were very simple. There was no junk or fried food at that time and their complete diet was consisted of these valuable and precious elements. We can also live the life like they lived by following the simple and easy paleo recipes and diet plans.