Exercise and Fitness Weight Loss Routines That Work

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High intensity interval training is one of the best exercise routines for rapid and sustainable weight loss. However in order to make the training meaningful, you should keep the following important points in mind:

  • Your entire workout should last for around 30 to 40 min. In fact, the intensity of the workout should be such that you won’t feel like doing any other exercise during the day. If you find interval training difficult, you can start with longer but easier cardiovascular routines such as walking 3 miles.
  • The hard part of your workout should last between 10 and 40 seconds and the easy part of your workout should last between 10 and 90 seconds. Remember to make sure that the hard parts are really hard. Make sure that the easy parts are really easy to give your body time to rest and recover.
  • Do these workouts for only three or four days a week otherwise your body could easily become stressed or tired. If you can do them twice every day, you will speed up the process of weight loss.

Why interval training works in burning calories quickly is because of the following important things:

  • it allows you to burn more calories in a shorter period of time. A workout that involves interval training and lasts for 10 min to 30 min through four times a week is superior to a cardiovascular workout (such as walking) for 30 to 60 min. If you want to continue with a cardiovascular workout, you could burn more calories by alternating intervals of walking and running.
  • Because your metabolism is elevated for a considerable period of time after you finished working out, the body continues to burn calories and this effect is known as “after burn”.
  • If you have stubborn pockets of fat that refuse to vanish after normal exercise, interval training is the best method of getting rid of these fat pockets. Interval training also helps when you reach a plateau in your exercise regime and are unable to increase the level to continue to lose fat.

All the above points will definitely help to have training meaningful and this will definitely help the purpose of having a good training.

Good trainining will help in having a good health and this will be the most important thing to be considered.

All the above information should be helpful all of those who are really willing to have information on the above mentioned topic.