How To Get Motivated To Lose Weight

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Weight loss is a hot topic, there are millions of people around the world that want to lose weight, but find it hard to take the first step and take action. You need to have the right motivations and reasons for losing weight. Once you truly understand how much healthier you will be, and how much better you will look and feel, getting motivated to take action will be easy!

The first thing everyone must understand is the health benefits. It is well documented that being overweight increases the risk of developing many diseases and conditions. On the other hand, being an average weight and aerobically fit significantly decreases the risk of developing many illnesses and adverse health conditions. For example, losing weight will help with; decreasing the chance of developing diabetes, or for people with diabetes, decrease the amount of medication you will need to manage the diabetes, decrease the risk of having a stroke and heart attack, you will have stronger muscles and bones, reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis and arthritis, just to name a few.

Most people have a specific weight they want to be, or a specific amount of weight they want to lose. This can be an excellent motivational tool. Set a time frame too. For example set yourself a goal of losing 25 pounds in the next month, then break that down to 6 pounds a week for the next month, then one pound a day. So each day when you wake up aim to lose one pound that day, which is very reasonable and shouldn’t be too difficult. By setting a target, then breaking it down into smaller easy to achieve goals, you will lose that 25 pounds next month.

You must use your success as motivation. Once you lose even just one or two pounds, the next two will be even easier. Once you have lost ten pounds, and start to see your body changing, you’ll never look back. I can guarantee you will so happy and pleased with the way you look and feel this will be all the motivation you will ever need to continue on with your diet and exercise program.

In summary, when trying to start a weight loss program, think of the many health benefits you will have form being fitter and thinner. You must also consider setting an achievable goal with a time frame. Never forget, you will not only look better when you start losing weight, you heart and lunges will be stronger, you muscles and bones will be stronger, and you feel great and have more energy during the day!