Exercise Bike And Weight Loss

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Exercise bikes, also known as stationary bikes, are one of the best ways to workout to burn calories. Indoor training on an exercise bike is a great aerobic exercise that can easily increase your heart rate to the range that will effectively burn your fat cells, and tone your muscles.

Start off with a steady 15 minutes, and gradually increase the time at the 60% threshold, until you can train for 30 minutes. Regular training on an exercise bike has the potential to burn a lot of calories up too 600 an hour. What ever type of exercise program you choose, it is advisable to do a warm up and cool down routine to prevent injury and increase your heart rate ready for exercise.

Weight training.

The advantages to using an exercise bike is that the bike supports your body weight, a big advantage to people with bad knees say or a bad back. There is no impact on your joints when using a bike.

The primary role of an exercise bike is to provide a good cardiovascular workout. Regular use ensures the best health insurance policy anyone could ask for. To really rev up your weight loss try adding some weight training whilst cycling, something as simple as doing bicep curls with two tins of bins whilst pedalling away.

Weight training increases muscle mass. An increase in muscle mass increases your base metabolism. This in turn increases the number of calories you burn just sitting around or sleeping, very handy if you are looking to lose weight.

Of course it is a combination of efforts on all fronts that will ultimately achieve your desired weight loss, a good diet is essential, regular exercise is a must, both resistance training and aerobic, on top of this is fun. Enjoying yourself whilst exercising is the only way in which you will continue into the future. Forcing yourself to do something you hate won’t last forever, and is a miss guided use of will power.