Get Motivated To Exercise

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I want to motivate and help you realize how wonderful you will feel after you exercise. I know what you’re thinking…I’ve heard this before. Women have many health issues, and we need to get moving.

Have you ever felt tired and run down, and not very motivated to exercise. Is that the last thing you want to do at the end of your busy day?
Do you ever feel…

-Tired and run down?

-Experience aches and pains? -Not motivated?

-There is never time for you, because everyone’s needs are put before yours?

-Have low self esteem and a poor self image?

I understand exactly how you feel. I have felt tired, run down, achy, and have experienced a poor self image. That is why I want to share this information with you. I remember all too vividly how it felt to be the fat, unhealthy, unmotivated chick. It wasn’t a great feeling. But I decided to do something about it. I changed my eating habits, stuck to my exercise plan, continued with my vitamins and supplements and when I messed up and backslid, I did not beat myself up. I started the next day with a positive mental attitude and kept moving forward. It wasn’t easy but I had the burning desire to feel great about myself.

If you follow through with a few simple steps your will feel energized, have fewer aches and pains, look better, and feel great! The adrenaline of exercise is a fabulous feeling and a natural drug. Once you get moving you will crave it unlike any other addicting drug.
Now’s the time to stop procrastinating and change your life. I want you to take the first step, and get moving with some exercise. It may be signing up for the sport you played and loved as a child. It may be signing up for that yoga class, or just making a commitment to walk each day. Its not just signing up it is the follow through, like any great golf swing, and making a commitment to change. Remember “short term pain, for long term gain”.
So remember to get moving to help protect yourself from so many of the womens health issues of today.