Is Dairy Good For Weight Loss?

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The other day I over heard some women talking about how “healthy” they eat. One lady was going off. I eat a lot of protein. I eat milk with whole-wheat toast for breakfast, a non-fat plain yogurt for snack, and I always add low-fat cheese to my salads for lunch and dinner.

You can imagine how bad I wanted to interrupt them and go off on them. But I contained myself! I’m actually so proud of myself for doing that! God is really working with my patience!

You might even be like these “sex in the city” ladies who “eat so healthy”! Which means your diet might be pretty similar to the one above. I promise I’m not about to go off on you, my friend, but let me clarify some things about dairy products.

Is Dairy good for Weight Loss Tips:

1. Most dairy products are high in sugar and/or fat.
2. Dairy is not a complete source of protein.
3. Dairy is overrated as a source of calcium.
4. Dairy products cause most people to suffer from bloating, cramping and diarrhea.

If you are eating cheese or drinking milk as your source of protein. STOP, unless you want dog ears on the side of your thighs. Remember good sources of lean protein are:

o Lean chicken breast
o Lean ground turkey breast
o Fish, tuna
o Egg whites

Yes, milk is high in calcium, but it is also high in sugar! Did you know that though skim milk is fat-free, it still contains 12 grams of sugar in 1 cup. And I know that when you eat your cereal, you use way more than 1 cup! You know what happens then. Your insulin shoots up which causes the only hormone in the body that releases fat cells to shut down! What does this mean, my friend? It means that you can’t burn fat, if you can’t release the fat cells, you can’t possibly burn them! So start to cut down on your milk intake! Though it is high in calcium (about 300mg in a cup), dark green and leafy vegetables are as well. Here is a list of some veggies and their calcium intake.

o 1 cup collard greens 357mg
o 1 cup turnip greens 249mg
o 1 cup kale 179mg
o 1 cup okra 72mg
o 1 cup broccoli 94mg

This is true for yogurt and cheese as well. One ounce of cheese has only 200mg of calcium. So, my friend, if your excuse for eating cheese is for the calcium, I just gave you a bunch of options to get your calcium with out the added sugar and/or fat.

Why do you like dairy anyways? Research says that approximately 90% of the adult population is deficient in the enzyme (lactase) needed to digest milk properly. This is what causes the bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. It is also contaminated with traces of antibiotics witch cause allergies and digestive problems. Should I keep going, or are you convinced to cut down on your dairy products?

I’m not saying don’t ever have milk, or cheese, or yogurt ever again. I’m just saying, if FAT LOSS is your goal, try to cut down or even diminish your intake of dairy. Instead opt for more vegetables and lean cuts of protein. Plus vegetables have an added bonus, they are a highly thermic food, which means that your body has to work very hard to digest them, causing you to burn a ton of calories. To burn even more calories, make sure to combine a lean protein, a starchy carbohydrate, and fibrous vegetables in small portions every 3-4 hours. If you do this you will become a lean and sexy fat burning machine! Doesn’t that sound exciting!