Some Tough Love For Those Struggling With Fitness & Weight Loss

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Are you unhappy with what you see in the mirror? Do you think that your bathroom scales “Just can’t be right?!” or do you avoid the scales altogether? Do you believe you are just “big-boned?” Do you tell yourself that you would rather be fat and happy than skinny and miserable? Are you just “far too busy” to exercise? Do you tell your friends “It doesn’t matter what I do, I just can’t lose weight.”

These are just a few of the hundreds of common excuses normal people use every single day as a reason for why they are fat, unfit or “just have to lose a few pounds.” I know because I too have used them all personally over different periods of time. For me it has been a real struggle coping with my vices and temptations.

The key we must all understand here is that WE control our choices, our efforts and as a result, our destiny. The longer we continue to make excuses for our failings – and let’s face it, we can make them all day if we try hard enough, and we always find a way to justify our reasoning – then the longer this negative pattern will continue and the deeper the rut we will bury our self in.

The simple fact of the matter at hand is that apart from a very small minority that have medical problems, WE ALL CAN HAVE SUCCESS IN LOSING WEIGHT AND GETTING FIT! The main obstacle really is in our head. We are sabotaging our efforts. We are filling our head full of limiting and negative beliefs. We are letting our subconscious mind destroy all the good we want to create for ourselves. Would you believe that some people are actually scared of success and will subconsciously fight what you are consciously trying to achieve! We are allowing ourselves to fail simply because we are not holding ourselves accountable for our actions and not developing a foolproof game plan to make sure we win this hardest of battles.

I have to tell you the truth… it really is your own fault for where you find yourself right now. Your sum totals of life as you know it is the direct result of all the choices you have made up to now. No matter what cards you have been dealt or what has happened in your life, there are always stories and tales of triumph from people in a far worse situation than we could ever imagine ourselves being in. If you are unhappy with what you see in that mirror then ask yourself how you got there. As in my own personal story and also what I have commonly seen firsthand in my time in the fitness and weight loss industry is that WE are the ones who primarily contribute to our failures. WE overeat, we make excuses not to exercise, we do not push ourselves hard enough, we make poor nutritional choices, we deny responsibility and blame everything else.

Nothing will ever change with that attitude and it absolutely must be rectified if we are to enjoy the positives this brings such as living a long and healthy life free from pain and disease, spending quality time with our children and grand children, playing sport and not letting our team mates down among an almost endless list of great things that come with the success of losing weight and getting fit!

The magnificent thing about life is it does not matter where we are at right now. It is in our power to change and change instantly if we have enough leverage, if we have clear goals and we formulate a plan to help us do so.

Now you have heard the Tough Love I want to give you a hand up. You are clearly ready to change and I can help you, help yourself.

To assist you in creating and defining your goals, getting some emotional leverage and making it crystal clear why you MUST get fit and lose weight, I invite you to download my Tough Love Plan. It is a written commitment to yourself that if done correctly will give you all the inspiration and motivation you need to get started and stick with any nutrition and exercise program you wish to go through.