Staying Healthy With an Asian Food Diet

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If you are looking for a healthy form of diet to stick with, why not try the Asian food diet plan? The food, when well-planned and eaten moderately, is one of the healthiest types of food you can find. Some Asian foods are found to decrease the chances of getting heart diseases, cancer, and other types of diseases.

The foods that are emphasized in the Asian culture are different from the Western food diet. While the Western diet mainly seek for protein from milk and meat, the Asian diet have a variety of sources for protein, like rice, beans, fish, grains and nuts, which allows them to attain other nutrients that come with such ingredients. Food like meat, poultry and eggs are taken sparingly, which happens to be a good thing as research has found that meat and meat products are associated with heart diseases and cancer.

The foods that are eaten in every meal would usually consist of rice, noodle, bread, or grains, which would then be complemented with meat, vegetable, and fruit dishes. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, so it provides the antioxidants needed to dispel free radicals in the body that can cause cancer. They are also a good source of vitamins to help with the bodily functions.

Soy is also a popular component in the Asian diet. You can especially find them in Japanese food, where soy is made into a variety of products like beverage, soup, food, or even snack, and can be easily found in supermarkets, making it an accessible choice of food. People with lactose intolerance often choose soy products for their source of protein and calcium. It also helps lower cholesterol, apart from many other of its goodness. When it comes to dairy products, except for India, they are not taken as often as in Western countries. Many Asian women suffer from osteoporosis, thus, you will need to include calcium in the diet as well to make perfect your diet.

To complete the Asian diet would be the beverage. The traditional drinks consist of tea, which helps lower cholesterol while flushing out free radicals that causes cancer and heart diseases. If you are looking for healthy Asian recipes, Japanese food is one of the best examples around, as their population is one with the longest life expectancy.