Exercise Tips That Deliver Weight Loss Results

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Many people understand the importance of a regular exercise regimen and the positive impact it has on overall fitness, mood and moving you toward your weight loss goal. Individuals fail to develop a solid strategy which will motivate them every day, so they can avoid the high dropout rate experienced by those with the best physical fitness intentions.

Lack of Exercise Increases Risk from Disease

The results of a study published in the Western Journal of Nursing Research showed that adults with chronic illnesses were able to significantly increase their activity and fitness levels by incorporating specific action-oriented strategies.

The vast majority of children and adults alike don’t get enough exercise each day, placing themselves at increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer. Experts recommend incorporating some common sense strategies into your lifestyle to get your heart beating faster and stronger, while you naturally drop those excess pounds.

Tip 1: Set Specific, Attainable Goals

The biggest reason most people never really get off the ground with a fitness program is they set themselves up to fail, before they even begin. Set a starting goal which is appropriate for your fitness level. Start with 10 minutes a day of an exercise you enjoy, and slowly increase to 20 and then 30 minutes a day. Remember, you can break it up into smaller time chunks if time is a constraint.

Tip 2: Use Daily Reminders

Plan your daily physical activity as though it were an appointment or a regular meal. Place it on your calendar, or plan to exercise at the same time each day, making it a part of your routine. Have any special workout clothes or accessories ready to go so you have no excuses.

Tip 3: Reward Your Compliance

You should feel good about your fitness activity, and motivational experts always advise using a reward system as a means to complete your goal. After successfully completing a week or month of your training program, treat yourself to a meal out (be sure to make it healthy), take in a movie or do something special for yourself.

Tip 4: Enlist the Support of a Friend or Family Member

Find a friend or family member who has the same fitness goal as you, and you’ll find the added support invaluable. People don’t want to disappoint each other, so the extra help will provide the motivation you may need when you’re thinking about quitting.

Tip 5: Keep It Simple

The best exercise is one that you find fun and easy to complete. Don’t invest in fancy fitness equipment, when the best exercise requires a simple pair of walking shoes. Walking at a brisk pace is fun, energizing and inexpensive.

A solid physical fitness program is a combination of good planning and psychological motivation. Both are required to get you moving so you can avoid the risks associated with inactivity. Combine exercise with a well balanced, reduced calorie diet and proper motivational strategies to achieve a higher quality of life and your natural weight loss goal.