Growing Vegetables For Healthy Meals

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If you’d like to be growing vegetables in a garden of your own, select a plot close to your home and in full sunlight. Make sure the soil drains well, and is rich in nutrients. And you’ll want to avoid shade from trees or buildings, in selecting the perfect spot.

When you plan your garden, consider what crops grow well in your area, and how much of each you will want to grow. You will be much better off with a small and well-maintained garden than a larger area that is always weeded over. Select how many seeds or bedding plats you need.

If you will be growing vegetables, some of them can be planted in front of shrubbery. There are lots of vegetables that can be considered ornamentals. And some can be grown in the flower beds. Other veggies are quite at home in containers.

Wherever you plant, you’ll want to surround your garden with fencing to keep out rabbits, dogs and other animals. Stray animals can cause a lot of crop damage. And the fence can be used as added support for tomatoes and other vegetables that need extra support while they grow.

Rodents can also damage your crops, so if they tend to be active in your area, you may want to lay out humane traps for them, and release them into other areas.

To make growing vegetables a working proposition, you need to make sure that your soil is fertile and that it drains well. You may need to add organic matter, but your existing soil should be able to retain moisture, and be relatively free of excess stones. Infertile soil should be made more productive by adding fertilizer and agricultural lime.

You can improve the drainage of your soil around your growing vegetables by using ditches or tiles. Avoid having low areas where water can puddle after a storm. And your garden should not be in an area that receives a lot of run-off after heavier rains.

You want plenty of sun for your growing vegetables, but not all-day direct sunlight. About six hours a day of direct sunshine is plenty for most vegetables.

To succeed at gardening, you will need to use organic matter, maintain your soil fertility and cultivate your garden properly. You need to control insects and other pests, as well. When your soil is prepared correctly, you will have an effective medium for root development, and one that absorbs air and water quickly.

You can use commercial fertilizers in most gardens, and they will give you a good advantage for growing vegetables. Make sure to till your garden area so it is laid open to the sun and rain, to absorb nutrients, even before your plants are in. Once the vegetables are planted, keep your garden weeded and watered and enjoy the taste of vegetables you grew yourself.