Health Care – Do-It-Yourself is More Effective and Less Expensive

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“You can’t handle the truth!” is a famous line from the movie An Officer and a Gentleman, but it also does a good job of expressing the mental status of much of the public when it comes to health care.

The public has been well-trained to believe that quality health care is possible only when provided by some outside group of experts using the latest technology.

Good health care is something we must pay — or someone must pay — for. And this mistaken belief is putting our health at great risk.

This notion is stopping millions of people from realizing the truth that each one of us is ultimately responsible for about 97% of our health outcomes. Not our genetics. Not tiny traces of rogue chemicals in our environment, though it is getting more polluted by the hour.

Ultimately, we are primarily responsible for the quality of our health and longevity.

Health is a do-it-yourself project. No one can do it for us.

Unfortunately, we are facing a massive propaganda campaign dedicated to making us believe that we are not capable of changing our health outcome. We are being enticed to feel entitled to eat all the delicious prepared foods made of substances that are detrimental to our health — to the point that most of us won’t even consider giving them up.

Big money is at stake here for the processed food industry. They are fighting very effectively, with the active connivance of our federal watchdog agencies, to keep us from seeing the danger our common prepared food choices present for us.

Let’s be clear on a few facts:

* Our health is largely determined by what we choose to eat and our levels of physical activity

* Our doctor is only slightly more educated about the principles of good diet than we are — and he or she cannot be with us 24/7/365 to counsel us about our health choices when temptation strikes

* For nearly every common disease there is a simple, more effective, far less expensive natural way to prevent or defeat it, if we will only implement it

* We have been lulled to sleep, most of us, and made impotent to resist our compulsion to eat the very foods that are making two-thirds of us overweight or obese

* The cost of health care expenses caused by the huge wave of new cases of diabetes will, by themselves, bankrupt our federal government (if wars and financial bailouts don’t do it first)

What’s the bottom line here?

Placing our faith in outside forces to be responsible for our health is insane. Just about everything commonly believed about our health is a commercial lie planted in the public consciousness by those who sell us our food, with the active complicity of the federal watchdog agencies who design their policies around the wishes of food industry lobbyists.

We are the ones who must make radical changes in our diet and lifestyle if we are to be healthy in our later years. To achieve this, we need access to the truth about how to be healthy.