How to Stay Fit and Motivated

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Sticking on a fitness regimen is a tough task to do. One can stay for a couple of weeks and eventually discontinue because of boredom or simply just impatient with the slow results. Other factors include the constant change of holiday schedules, cold season, and those convenient gadgets that aid us in getting in shape somehow disrupts our eagerness in working out. Hence, here are some of the motivational tips that one can employ in staying fit.

Manage enjoyable fitness regime. Fun can be a factor that will make you stick to your workout. Search for an activity that would give you adrenaline rush, such as any kinds of sport or recreation. Then, when boredom begins to strike again, shift to other activities. Participate in a football or volleyball league. Enroll to a ballroom or ballet dancing class. Join to a health club or try martial arts. Keep it in mind that exercise doesn’t have to toil you that hard, just have fun and enjoy getting in shape again.

Search your motivation outside of yourself. One thing that could surely stick you to your fitness management is finding the motivation externally, like expecting for a big event that requires a really good grooming, an article of clothing that you want to fit into, or impress your family and friends. With this, you will surely hit the gym or try aerobic routines and tighten your diet until you’ll achieve that extrinsic goal. Values and sense of responsibility is essential in providing a long term fuel to sustain consistent results.

Make your physical activity on an autopilot. Have exercise be part on your regular routine – stick to it, and don’t fall back on excuses. If you have difficulty in finding time for exercise – be creative. You can slip in your physical activity throughout the day. For workaholics, try to walk to and fro in the office, or try the stairs instead of the elevator. For others, take a walk to a nearby grocery store. Pedal a stationary bike or do some basic lifting or strength training while watching TV at night.

Reward yourself once in a while. After every session, give yourself a few minutes to savor the good feeling that exercise gives you. This reward can somehow help you commit to your regular workout for a long time. When reaching a longer range goal, treat yourself with a new pair of sneakers for walking or download new tunes that you can listen to while enjoying your workout.

Set goals. Follow a path to maintain the shape you’ve always been dreaming of. Start with the simple ones, the progress it to longer range goals. Keep it in mind that the goals must be realistic and achievable, because it is easy to get frustrated and give up if your goals are too ambitious. For instance, if you haven’t exercised for a while, a short-term goal might be to have a five-minute walk using a treadmill, eventually increasing for three minutes after a week. A long-term goal might be working out on a treadmill for thirty minutes everyday.

These motivational tips would really get you going. Have fun, pat yourself, and set goals. Sticking to the fitness management seems difficult to maintain, but with these motivations cited, you’ll surely enjoy every single day of your life while getting in shape and staying fit.