Metabolism – A Crucial Factor For Weight Loss

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One thing on everyone’s minds is weight loss fitness. No one wants to be fat now. Here, metabolism plays an important role in weight loss. Your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burn up the calories. Some people have a slow metabolism and therefore their weight loss is also slower while some have a fast metabolism which helps them in losing weight faster. For example, if your body needs two thousand calories a day and you burn out the same number of calories, your weight will remain the same whereas if you burn out more than the two thousand calories you will lose weight. However, if you burn lesser number of calories, you will gain weight.

If you have considerably slow metabolism, there are ways which can help you speed it up and increase your weight loss fitness. For this you should know what determines your metabolism rate and what techniques can you use to influence the same. Calories are burnt to provide energy for three main things:-

i. for activity
ii. basal metabolic rate which is the number of calories burnt by just being in existence
iii. calories burnt while eating, absorbing and digesting food.

These three functions can be influenced to increase your metabolism by building muscle, being more active than you are currently which may mean just moving your feet while sitting, eating spicy food, drinking coffee or green tea, aerobics, eating small portions and more frequently.

Once you decide to go on a diet, you should choose food that is healthy and at the same time makes you feel satisfied because if you are not satisfied with you are eating you will tend to give into foods that you are not supposed to eat. You can make a start by having those foods for breakfast which you have never eaten. Do this three times a week. Eat green vegetables instead of fried meat and exercise. Weight loss online is a good way to be informed about how to go about it and monitor the same as there are a number of tools and information available.

Eating a heavy breakfast at the start of the day is the best weight loss system. Your lunch should be smaller than your breakfast where you could include salad, vegetables and lentils and dinner should be the smallest, which we often make it the biggest. If you feel hungry in between, have a fruit and not chips.