Take Control Of Your Health Care

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I pray for a revelation to the body of Christ of the healing that was provided for all of them by the broken body of our precious Lord Jesus which can remove any and every sickness, disease, and infirmity.

The Word of God has given us an alternative to this world’s system of health care and we need to make the switch now. Jesus told us to remember what He did for us so we can make the switch,

1 Cor 11:24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. KJV

Jesus told us to remember. When we remember, we are to see ourselves at that whipping post with Jesus and see ourselves receiving the healing that is flowing to us. It’s like the children of Israel when they looked at the snake placed on the post they were healed of the plague. Jesus was placed on the cross so He could purchase our total salvation package that includes healing and wholeness for our bodies no matter what the infirmity. So every day we need to bring to our remembrance Jesus’ sacrifice so we can every day receive the divine healing and health care that comes with no cost to us. Just be sure and thank Jesus for paying the cost, the cost of laying His precious body on that whipping post. I am telling you, if you are a Christian, you need to see Jesus lying on that post to pay the price for your divine healing and health. If you don’t, you won’t ever receive the benefits of Jesus’ health care package that far exceeds anything this world has to offer you.

The scriptures, 1 Peter 2:24 and Galatians 3:13 help you go to that place and receive right now, today divine healing and health. Go there with the eye of faith and see yourself receiving the healing that freely flows to you and heals your body now. There is enough power in each of these scriptures to heal you and make you whole today, right now. These scriptures can be your medicine and can also be taken with prescribed medicine and you will see much better results. Here’s some medicine for you to take, so open your mouth and speak these powerful healing scriptures over your body and receive the power contained in these scriptures to heal you now.

These are not just scriptures; this is your divine health care from heaven! We can’t leave them on the coffee table any longer. These scriptures are the very Word from God and they have enough power in them to heal and deliver from any sickness and disease and infirmity.

Hebrews 4:12 tells us the Word of God is alive and full of power, making it active, operative, energizing and effective. I’m telling you there is enough power in that scripture alone to heal you. I have used this Word as my medicine so many times you couldn’t tell me there is no power in that Word. I took this scripture as medicine, opening up my mouth and declaring it over my body like this: The Word that God speaks is alive and full of power in this body. The Word of God is operating in this body. The Word of God is energizing this body. The Word of God is effective in this body now; bringing divine healing and divine health to this body now.

I want to speak out for Christ! He laid His precious body on that whipping post to be whipped with numerous stripes in order that we could have an alternative to that world’s system. I am so tired of seeing people, God’s people, relying on a system that has no guarantees!

I personally have no faith in this system for myself for I have learned there is another alternative and that is the divine health care of God, heaven’s health care. My family and I have not had a doctor bill, hospital bill nor taken medicine for over 30 years, for we have taken God’s Word as our medicine. We have saved lots of money, saved time and we have been saved from a lot of heartache. Thank you, my precious Lord Jesus!