Finding Your Motivation – To Help With Your Weight Loss

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The lack of motivation, sometimes more than anything else, seems to be the largest factor in attaining your weight loss goals. In the beginning you have all of the best intention’s to go on a diet. You just can not wait to get started, you are all exited about how good you will look and feel, when you lose those extra few pounds, and fit into those old pair of jeans that are hanging in your closet and are just a little to tight.

But before you know it, one distraction after another such as the holidays, the kids, your career, or a vacation, or other mishap’s and distractions of just plain life itself comes along, your motivation slips and then your diet goes out the window.

Please for your own health and well being, do not allow this to discourage you in any way at all, unfortunately many people go through this process, you are not the only one. Remember it is not the end of the world, it is just a set back, stand up and dust yourself off and just start again, after all tomorrow is another day.

Before starting on a new diet, be very careful. Many fad diets can make you drop the pounds fast, but they are harmful for your health. Always consult with your Doctor to make sure the diet that you are starting will be safe for you. Also it might be a good idea if you join a gym and get help from a trainer, this will not only help to you lose the weight, but will also help you to tone up your muscles. Plus you will also get additional motivation from your trainer, as well as from other people at the gym.

To help you with your weight loss, you will have to find and you will have to maintain your motivation, even when you are going through tough times. Below are some tips that will help you to find and keep your motivation.

  • Set your goals and a time frame for achieving them. Make sure these goals are realistic. For instance, you can’t lose fifty pounds in one week.
  • Write down in as much detail as possible, why you want to lose weight, and how much you are going to lose.
  • Place cards with the reasons you want lose weight on your bathroom mirror, in your purse, or in your car, and look at these every day.
  • Ask a friend if they would be willing to help motivate you to stick with your diet plan.
  • Keep in mind that you are doing this to lose weight and improve your health. Trying to lose weight for the wrong reason is a sure way to fail.
  • Plan what new outfits you will need to buy when you drop a couple of sizes.
  • Put a certain amount of money away for every pound that you lose. You can use it when you achieve your weight loss goals for your new outfits.

Now you should be ready to achieve your weight loss goals, and get back into shape. Do not let anything stand in your way. Remember “you will only fail, when you stop moving forward”.