Healthy Eating For the Whole Family

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The biggest obstacle families have to face is getting used to actually doing this. Many family members have after school or evening events that make cooking a healthy meal seem a waste of time. It’s not. It’s the better route to go than giving in to the convenience of disposable food. Dinner time can always be adjusted accordingly to account for the various events that keep you running around.

So, how, as the family cook, do you get started getting into the habit of cooking wisely for your family?

The first thing would be to sit down with your family, if possible, and discuss what kind of meals they would enjoy. Find out from your spouse and your children what they like, what they don’t like, what they would like to try, and some of the favorite foods they may have eaten at a friend’s house. Include all types of food in the discussion, from soup to salad to main course and desert.

Once you have a list to start with, ask your family to help you plan the meals for the week. Suggest healthy alternatives to unhealthy ones, such as sugar free pudding for desert instead of chocolate cake. Make sure you serve a variety of meats, grains and vegetables so that your family members will not get bored of the same things. Pay attention to portion sizes so that each family member gets the recommended daily allowance suggested by nutrition experts.

Make sure you also take into consideration any special needs of your family. If you have a diabetic, be aware of what they are allowed to have. It is a misconception that diabetics must stay away from all sugar. In actuality, some sugar is still needed to maintain the body. Once again, focus on the portion sizes. A diabetic or someone on a low cholesterol diet, counting carbohydrates or with other dietary needs, can still enjoy the same meal that everyone else is eating.

If at all possible, shop once a week. Bring your meal plan with you and buy only what you feel you need. Do not impulse buy as that will make it more difficult to encourage healthy eating in your already hectic world. Buy healthy snacks, such as fruit and vegetables and plain popcorn. Purchase beverages that are healthy as well or make your own at home. Encourage your family to drink plenty of water.

By eating at least one healthy meal with your family, you can assure yourself that some of their nutrition requirements are being met. You also get the chance to sit down and engage in some family time and slow down the rat race, even if only for an hour.