Weight Loss Exercises Made Easy

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Everyone knows that in order to lose weight, we need to eat sensibly and exercise regularly. It’s so easy to say, but why does it seem so hard to do? I put it to you that exercising effectively is all about attitude. If you could just understand how simple it is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, you could make a decision now to just do it. That decision would lead to weight loss, and weight loss would change your life.

Don’t be fooled. You do not have to buy the latest exercise machine on the infomericals. If you already have one such machine (or more than one!) that’s well and good. Get it out and set it up somewhere it can stay set up. (It’s not as effective if you have to fetch it out of storage and set it up every time you exercise). Make it visual and ever present and it will remind you to exercise. However, if you have not succumbed to the latest abs firming gizmo, don’t worry one bit. Get yourself a large exercise ball and you can exercise every muscle using that, for a fraction of the price.

Exercise does not have to take hours out of every day. There are a number of brilliant daily exercise DVDs on the market that take between 15 and 20 minutes. If you can manage this three times a week or more you will be on your way to a better physique. Most people find that first thing in the morning is the best time to do their 20 minutes. At least there will be fewer interruptions and you will be able to spend your day knowing it’s behind you, a great feeling! If you leave it til any other time you may find it playing on your mind during the day and you might feel as though it’s hanging over your head. Unexpected things often come up and you’ll find it squeezed out of your routine for that day. After you’ve missed one session you may feel a bit disappointed with yourself and less keen to continue. Does any of this sound familiar? Overcome such obstacles by choosing a time that’s best for you, and stick to it.

Make it enjoyable. If something has to be endured rather than enjoyed it probably wont last. Sit down with pen and paper and jot down ten things you love doing. Then examine your list and see how you could incorporate exercise naturally into these activities. If one of the items on your list is – playing squash with a friend – then you’re laughing! But chances are that your items are more along the lines of – dining out with my partner – and this will take some creative thought. For instance, where could you go to eat which is atmospheric, delicious, provides you with some healthy dietary options and also is near to a lovely beach or nature walk? Consider cycling to your cafe destination, and take the whole family! What great memories you’ll make, plus you’ll be modelling healthy living to your kids. In the summertime, my wife and I make a habit of taking the kids for a sunset walk on the beach, after dinner. No one’s allowed to watch television until we return. What wonderful conversations and laughs we have enjoyed in these times of fresh air and no distractions.

Incorporate exercise into your every day routine. Put away the television remote control and everyone will be forced to get up to turn channels. Park in the parking spot the furthest from the shop door and everyone will be forced to walk briskly across the car park. Carrying shopping bags back to the car will be like lifting weights at the gym! Choose to take the stairs EVERY time rather than the lift. Get off the bus one stop before your usual stop and walk the extra distance. Take time out during your busy working day (especially if you sit at a computer most of the day) and take a brisk walk around the block. You’ll be absolutely amazed at the difference it will make to your powers of concentration and well being.

Compete with yourself. If you manage to organise a daily walk (or a walk three times a week as a minimum), have fun by creating a chart and display it somewhere prominent such as on your fridge. Time yourself each walk and watch as you shave minutes off your previous best time. This will inevitably happen as you get fitter and fitter. Include a column to measure your pulse when you return home and you’ll also be thrilled to see your fitness levels increase. Before long you’ll be able to increase the length of your walk and still return home within the same time period.

Exercise somewhere inspiring. The great thing about brisk walking is that you can choose your destination. Get in your car and go to a place you love. If you’re very lucky you will live near a lake, beach, river, forest or scenic area. Perhaps your favourite place is a shopping centre. I know a lady who combines retail therapy with her need for company and exercise and so walks the length of her local shopping centre five times every morning! It’s whatever works for you!

Don’t overdo it. This is often a pitfall of the enthusiastic. Always start small and allow your challenges to grow. If you lift weights which are too heavy or start jogging before you’ve mastered walking briskly, you’re in for trouble. At the worst you’ll injure yourself or endanger your health and at best you’ll be very sore and sorry the next day. So many times I’ve witnessed joggers (often older people) almost killing themselves along the side of the road. I wish they realized that a very brisk walk will do them more good than their excruciating run.

Swimming is a fabulous activity suitable for all ages. It is low impact and works all parts of your body. It is enjoyable and if you live near a heated swimming pool, it is suitable for all times of the year. You can go at your own pace and because it is an individual pursuit you will not feel as though as you are letting anyone else down if you are slow or awkward.

If you need more motivation and accountability, choose your favourite sport and join a local sporting competition. Team sports may be the answer for you. It is amazing how we feel we can’t let others down and so turn up to play even when we don’t feel like it.

Give yourself every advantage and see results fast by consuming water during your exercise and a whey protein based shake or drink after your finish. It is best to have the protein about 30 minutes after you stop as this will assist in burning fat as energy and greatly aid building muscle tone. There are a number of great products on the market which actually help the body recover after exercise. L Carnitine is a must if weight loss is a priority.

A little creative thinking and a steadfast decision to put some little changes into action can be the start of a whole new you. It’s not as hard as you think to live a healthy life. Any exercise must be supported by sensible eating, and is enhanced by drinking lots of water and a protein supplement after you’re finished. If you put into action some of the advice given here, I am confident your slimmer physique and increased energy levels will be all the motivation you need to keep on exercising regularly for the rest of your life!