Eye Health Care Essentials for the Young and Old

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Our eyesight is one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon us. Through it we take pleasure in the wonderful and vibrant world that surrounds us. We often neglect this gift. It is only when we lose clarity of vision or when we encounter a blind person that we pay attention to our eyes’ condition. Awareness of proper eye health care can help prevent future health problems. As one famous ocular specialist once said, eye care is better than eye cure.

Eye health care improves the quality of our lives as it slows down the processes associated with aging and reduces the possibilities of premature blindness due to accidents, damages or diseases. Generally, it includes routines and proper nutrition for healthy vision.

This kind of care should be started at an early age. Children who are learning to read can already suffer from eyestrain at a young age. Proper nutrition significantly influences the health of our vision. Likewise there a number exercises at hand that can preserve eyesight.

Eating foods rich in minerals, vitamins and supplements provides remarkable effect on our eyes. Important minerals for our health include Zinc and Selenium. They help metabolize the vitamins and balance the nutrition and hormones that affect our vision. Vitamins A, C and E are anti-oxidant vitamins that prevent the occurrence of cataracts. These vitamins can be found in oranges, strawberries, rosehip, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, liver, almond and hazelnuts. Supplements like Lutein and Omega 3 oil counter the harmful effects of prolonged exposures to certain types of lights.

When your eyes get itchy, excessive rubbing and scratching therefore should be avoided. Proper cleaning of the eyes starts with clean hands as dirty hands can contaminate them. A clean cloth damped with warm water may be use to wash the entire outer part of the eyes. Should there be any commercial solutions needed, they must be applied with great care, following the manufacturer’s suggestions.

Consulting an ophthalmologist and receiving enough vision health services are advised to those who experience vision distortions, blurriness and excessive irritations. Wearing UV light sunglasses can also keep your eyes clean besides providing protection for them from the harmful rays of the sun.

There are also vision exercises that can perform an important function in eye health care too. They reduce eyestrain, help our eyesight work properly and keep eye muscles strong and flexible. People who are working for long hours in front of a computer are believed to be suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome which produces eyestrain problems such as blurry vision and dry, red eyes. This condition can be alleviated with some exercises which could be as simple as opening and closing your eyes.