How Do You Stay Motivated to Exercise? – 7 Ways to Stay Motivated

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How many times have you started an exercise program or joined a gym only to lose interest or stop going? I can tell you that I personally had a membership to a total of three at one time and did not go to any of them! Typically people join at the beginning of a new year after the holidays when they are making all those good resolutions to be fit and trim. But usually by March fewer people are going to their gym regularly. So what is it all about? What exactly inspires us to exercise and work on our nutrition to be fit and healthy? How can we stay on the right track to reach our fitness goals?

Researchers have found the following;

1. Only1/3 of US adults is regularly active.
2. If you buy exercise equipment you are 73% more likely to initiate exercise.
3. People with a higher sense of accomplishment tend to exercise more.
4. People who view exercising as a lifestyle change are more apt to continue exercising.

Other evidence shows that the most superficial reasons to exercise are;

1. Usually we feel good after exercising.
2. We can avoid doing work or study using a good excuse like exercising.
3. Wanting to fit into a new outfit.
4. Socializing with other gym members.
5. An opportunity to eat junk food using the excuse that it is a reward for exercising.
6. Wanting to spruce up to look good for an event.
7. Being able to say you exercise and boast about how much you exercise.

Health, guilt and appearance are the top motivators for most of us. But it seems that the best motivators are what come from within us. It also helps if we understand what the true benefits are of exercising and consider it a lifestyle change for the rest of our lives.

Important points to help us with our fitness trek include:

1. Make a commitment with yourself. Try compiling a poster board with pictures of people or bodies that you would like to have. Make affirmations daily, something like; I am going to continue on this fitness journey as it will make me feel fit and have a quality lifestyle. Post it on you refrigerator and say it to yourself every day.

2. Enjoy your exercising. Do something that is fun and make it something to look forward to. For many years I was a swimmer. I loved swimming and it helped me to feel serene and tranquil. You might enjoy hiking, rock climbing, horseback riding, kite boarding, volleyball, basketball or many other sports. Mix a sport in with your more regular exercise activity. The whole idea is to get your body moving as well as mixing up the routine. Don’t bore yourself with the same thing day in and day out.

3. Set up a fitness plan with a friend. When I was swimming I had a friend who I met three times a week at the pool. Neither one of us wanted to disappoint the other. I have another friend who I walk with on the beach. If we make an arrangement we tend to stick to it. You could also set up time reserved for fitness fun with the man or woman in your life.

4. Set goals for yourself. Start small. For years I swam and did aerobics and kick boxing, but as I got older kind of let it slide. To restart back to a fitness regimen I made myself a goal of just getting through each exercise session 1 day at a time and build up my strength. Train for something like a 5k run for a charitable cause. You will have a goal and meet like minded individuals as well as getting fit.

5. Reward yourself. My reward is when I know and feel I look better. It doesn’t hurt when my man says I am really getting firm either! Promise yourself a massage, or some other indulgent reward. But make sure you do your part in meeting the goal.

6. Start a journal. Journaling your progress is a way of looking back and seeing what progress you have made which in itself is a reward.

7. Remember that fitness should be a life-time goal. Be easy on yourself and remember there will be days when you just don’t feel like exercising. But the trick is to get right back to your plan the next day.

So, when you are done exercising and the perspiration is running off your brow you will feel good because you are pursuing your goal of staying fit.