How to Get and Stay Motivated to Lose That Weight, Exercise and Be Healthy

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Today’s society is a dichotomy. Never have there been more opportunities to get fit and healthy. There are myriad books on the subject of getting fit. There are gyms on every block, offering every piece of equipment imaginable from the ridiculous to the sublime, classes that range from old-fashioned aerobics to things that look more like elephant mating rituals. There are more fitness videos than one person can watch, and books, magazines and even channels on television devoted solely to getting fit. The grocery stores offer multiple varieties of food that are healthy, organic, low-salt, low-fat, low-calorie, low-carb, etc. And even the age-old enemies of health and fitness, fast-food joints, are offering healthier alternatives to the old greasy hamburgers that got us fat in the first place.

But there is another side to this coin. Today’s society is the laziest society that has ever existed. Long gone are the days of plowing the fields by hand and walking to every destination. Gone are even the times of getting up off the sofa to change the channel on the television. We have cars that practically drive themselves, remote controls…heck, we don’t even have to get up to answer the phone because we carry it in our pocket! In the age of technology and motorized everything, it is too easy to be lazy. And don’t forget about the food. Remember the television channels, magazines, books, etc. that I mentioned earlier? Well, for every one about health and fitness, there are ten about unhealthy, artery-clogging food! You can’t walk through a grocery checkout line without being accosted by images of chocolate layer cake or grandma’s sweet potato casserole. Try flipping through the channels late at night and you’ll see several programs on the best places to get the worst foods! And there are also shows that show you where to get the biggest meals and these aren’t just big meals, they are enough to feed families of four! And if you eat it all, you get rewarded. Every kind of artery blocking food is available nearly twenty four hours a day through your local grocery, or all night fast food joint. With all of that temptation, it is next to impossible to start a healthy plan and stick to it. But don’t lose hope. Anything is possible when you have the right motivation.

The first and most important key to getting motivated is you. Ask yourself these questions: Do you have any sense of self-worth? Do you want to live to a ripe old age, watching your children/grandchildren grow? Do you want to be able to walk and enjoy your life? Or would you rather die before your time, never getting to see your children grow, never knowing if you had any grandchildren? Do you want to walk with a walker when you are older, or worse yet, be wheelchair bound, unable to get your breath when you walk, all because you refused to take care of this one body you were given? I realize these questions are tough, but this is reality folks. This is real. If you don’t take care of you and you just keep eating french fries and hamburgers and don’t exercise, this could be your reality. That’s why the first step to getting motivated is to find out how much you want this. Where do you want to be in twenty, thirty years? In the grave? Or living a vital, active, happy life? If you answered the latter, then there is your motivation. That’s the first step.

If you’re not into exercising, eating right alone, get a buddy. A sister, a cousin, a friend, a coworker, doesn’t matter. There is bound to be someone in your life who shares your struggle to get healthier. And chances are, they are looking for the same motivational support that you are looking for. Having a buddy is similar to having your own personal trainer. As long as she is just as motivated as you. Be careful here, as an unmotivated buddy can sabotage your endeavors quicker than you can down a Twinkie! Though it is easier and more fun to get healthy with a buddy, it is also easier and more fun to spiral back down into gluttony with a buddy. Someone who can easily convince you to have a second helping or to skip the workout today is not someone you want helping you in this battle. Make sure that whoever you choose shares your enthusiasm from the start and has the same goals in mind. Then start right away on your healthy adventure. Don’t have a celebratory last night out unhealthy dinner. This will only set you up for failure from the get-go. Make a pact with your buddy to only be encouraging and motivating and off you go to a healthier new you (and your buddy too!)!

Next, make a chart to follow your progress. Aside from having a friend to share your accomplishments, the most effective way to stay motivated is to see your progress in writing. It is difficult to see the effects of working out. You can’t see the pounds falling off. You can’t see your arteries opening up. It can take weeks for you to notice any changes in how you look or feel. But a chart is a way to see some progress. Even if you don’t lose a pound for three weeks, you can see that you ate healthy and exercised and this will stir your pride and help you to realize that you can do this! And you will continue on your journey to a healthier you if you can see in black and white some kind of reassurance that you are on your way. And post your chart somewhere where you can see it every day. It doesn’t have to be in the living room for the whole world to see, but put it somewhere that you can see it, even if it is in your closet.

The most important decision you could make in your life is the decision to be healthy. You only get one body. Take care of it. With all of the ads and promos about food out there, it is easy to get off track. And just remember if you do get off track, don’t worry. Don’t quit because you slipped up. Just get right back up on your feet and put one foot in front of the other. The only one who can do this is you, so go do it!