Taking Care of My “Best Buddy,” My Body!

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Your body is perfect, until you forget about it.

Do you think you need to go to the doctor when you feel sick? I was checking healthypeople.gov and it says, “Staying healthy requires eating well and staying active; getting the recommended immunizations and screening tests; and seeing a doctor when sick.” So, according to the Federal government, going to the doctor when you feel sick is one way to stay healthy.

I’ve never seen so many TV commercials about drugs that treat emotional diseases -with physical consequences- than today. The pharmaceutical industry is trying to control us at all cost and we are giving them the power, because we are too busy to take care of our body -and mind. It is easier to take a faster course of healing and get back to our business. We’ve almost forgotten that our body is amazing – that we have the power to heal ourselves. Some people say it is not the drug that heals you, it is faith, or the belief you have, that heals. Have you noticed that your headache decreases only by taking the pill?

When I feel sick, I avoid taking drugs of any kind. I believe in taking care of my body every day and healing myself using my mind or any natural healing. My body is my best friend and I enjoy taking care of it. I talk to my body every day – he is my best buddy! – I respect and give love to my body on a daily basis. I have a lot of fun when I’m running in the park because my body responds to my thoughts exactly. If I say to myself, “Run faster, my body will run faster, even if I feel tired. I always congratulate my body when I finish my exercise.

Taking care of your body is not just attending to your physical appearance, the way you look. You can have a pretty look, but is that really the way you feel? Taking care of your body is as important as taking care of your mind. Mind and body work together; if your mind is not working well, your body cannot work well, either.

Easy ways to take care of your body:

Think positive! Your thoughts control your body. All the limited beliefs you have learned during your life are contaminating your body. Be aware of your words, thoughts, feelings and emotions. Identify all the “trash” you have in your head and start programming in new beliefs. Clean yourself! There are a lot of methods to wipe away your limited beliefs and replace them with new beliefs: positive affirmations and afformations, visualization, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Night Audio Programs (NAP) and more. Look for one that works best for you.

Listen to your body. When we are young, it’s very common not to listen our bodies. We avoid meals, for instance, specially breakfast. If we feel a little unbalanced, we don’t take care of it until it is killing us. Your body communicates with you every day, listen to it!

Sleep well. After a good night’s sleep, you feel great. Your mind works perfectly. Some studies show that people who sleep seven to nine hours on a regular basis tend to live healthier and longer lives than those who sleep less -or sleep more.

Exercise every day! Exercise improves cardiovascular and circulatory systems. Exercising increases your energy, helps you to lose weight and to feel better…and it is fun!

Eat well. Eat healthy food. According to Helpguide.org, “Healthy eating begins with learning how to ‘eat smart’-it’s not just what you eat, but how you eat.”

Drink water. Water helps to keep you hydrated, to cleanse your body and to lose weight. For me, water is the fountain of youth. It is a good idea to have a bottle of water always at hand.

Give love and appreciation to your body. This is one of my favorite things to do. Your body is your castle here on Earth. It is with you every step of your journey. It is the most important thing in your life, because it IS you. Meditation is a good way to send love to your body. I like to practice my “Love Session” every day, especially when I feel a little down or have physical pain. My Love Session starts with sitting down in a relaxed position. I close my eyes and talk with my body. I repeat positive affirmations: “I love my body, thank you body for being so beautiful and healthy. I’m sending tons of love to you. I’m sending love to every cell, nerve and muscle. Everything works perfectly in my body. I’m a very happy woman thanks to my mind and my body. I only emanate positive vibes from my body and my mind…” The main point is to send love to your body, mind and soul. If I have some pain, I focus my affirmations on sending love to that specific pain to heal it.

It is important, too, to take care of your hair, nails, teeth, eyes -every part of your body. Good hygiene is always recommended for overall health. You can pamper your body with a good massage. Everything you do to take care of your “best buddy,” your body will appreciate and it will reward you. YOU deserve the best and you need your body to be healthy to have a happy life. Don’t wait until you feel really sick to take care of you. Start right now!