Finding Time For Healthy Meals – 5 Ways To Save Money And Time

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Finding time doesn’t have to cost money. You can have more of both, time and money, and enjoy delicious food economically. Here’s how to start:

  1. Plan ahead.
    • Create a basic shopping list you can refer to week after week. Add onto that base as needed.
    • Sketch out a plan for your meals over the coming week.
    • If you use processed foods, scan for coupons. Compare costs of processed and unprocessed foods. How much can you save per meal by eating more simply or planning your meals around items on sale?
    • Consider including meals for crock-pot cooking. Remember that less expensive meats are delicious and tender when slow-cooked. So are many vegetarian meals. And there is only one pot to clean afterwards.
    • Buy enough to prepare extra meals. Plan to freeze portions.
  2. Shop on schedule.
    • Never shop on an empty stomach. Will power is much stronger when you’re not hungry.
    • Buy only what is on your shopping list.
    • Avoid aisles that don’t feature food on your list.
    • Note how much time and money you save by shopping only from your list.
  3. Follow through. Schedule time before work to assemble dinner in your crock-pot or pull items from the freezer. If time allows, set the table, too.
  4. Savor your meal. When you sit down to eat, relax and enjoy yourself. You will appreciate your time more when you savor the moment.
  5. Freeze leftovers in clearly labeled and dated portion sizes. You will find before long that you have a selection to pull from in busy times.

Food preparation is just one example of how planning ahead conserves both money and time. The time you spend preparing is more than repaid throughout the coming week. Enjoy your meals and finding time!