Fitness and Weight Loss – The Key Element to Success

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Losing weight and getting fit is a goal that most North American aspires to but have trouble achieving. More than 90 percent of interrogated adults admit having followed a diet at one time in their life. The problem is that it is a proven fact that diets don’t work and actually people end-up gaining more weight than they lost in the first place as a rebound effect.

What about exercising and working-out? Again we know that the biggest profits owners of exercise gyms make are on the memberships. Most people sign-up to a training gym fired up with enthusiasm only to quit a couple of months, sometimes weeks, later. With these disappointing facts in mind, we might be tempted to give up altogether and say that trying to get fit and lose weight is an impossible task.

Nonetheless, there are examples of people who succeeded in losing weight and keeping fit. The one key element that is a constant in all these people’s successful weight loss and healthy training is that they somehow made the connection and committed to their own success. For all these people there was one trigger that happened in their mind frame that created the spark and the drive to achieve their goal and more.

For every person the key element that will give them the starting push will be different. I had the chance of talking to a nutritionist and she was going on and on about healthy eating and weight loss and in the back of my mind all I could think of was: “Yeah, that’s easy for you to say, you are a naturally skinny person.” As our conversation went on, she told me she had been overweight all her life and she even showed me the pictures to prove it. I must admit I was for yet another time in my life dead wrong. She told me that the thing that triggered her motivation and successful weight loss was that she had a colleague who was obese and who lost weight and that triggered in her mind that she too could do it. I was inspired and encouraged to see her weight loss and that re-opened in my mind the thought that losing weight and staying fit is possible.

I was attending a weight loss and fitness conference given by five really good looking buffed men and it resonated to me that all these guys admitted to having been either overweight, not muscular or out of shape not long before. They all made the connection. The talk was very inspirational and the fact that it was given by regular people not weight lifting maniacs who spend countless hours at the gym made it even more valuable. One of the speakers even exercises from his home with his wife and uses his stairs as a “stairmaster”. The rock solid six pack abs these guys were displaying were both very nice to look at and very inspiring.

They also went on to share what was their trigger for them in getting motivated to get fit and exercise. I got an “ah hah moment!” when one of them said: “First you have to find they Why you want to lose weight and get fit and then the How will come easily.” If you do not know what motivates you to want to lose weight and get in shape, your drive will tend to wear off. That made so much sense.

If you have been interested in weight loss and fitness training but have not attained your goals, please don’t give up. You have to find your inner motivation. One good way to find the motivation is sometimes to announce to the entire world your goal and commit to it. By feeling accountable, your pride might be your biggest motivation as you want the world to see you are a person who sticks to her words.

You can also find strength in joining an internet group who is also interested in losing weight and getting fit. This way you can exchange your success stories and get some support when things are not perfect and keep going in your health program.