How To Motivate Yourself To Quit Smoking

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Everyone knows that cigarettes are addictive and harmful to your health; the warnings are even printed on the packaging. You have probably even considered quitting a few times, but have given up because you thought it would be too difficult to do so. In order to be a successful cigarette quitter, you must first:

1/ Have the desire to give up your smoking habit and a strong will power to avoid smoking again.

2/ Accept the consequences that smoking will have on your health if you don’t quit and follow through and complete your non-smoking plan.

Each day, more than 15 million smokers try to kick the smoking habit, but only about 3% of people are successful at completely stopping. You might have tried before for health reasons or maybe you just want to save a few bucks. Either way, something must motivate you to put the cigarette down for good.

Get involved with other people that are quitting smoking. They will become your support group and help when you have that urge to smoke. If no one you know wants to quit with you, find a forum or discussion group on-line. Being accountable to someone will help you to stay motivated. Also, tell your friends and family that you are going to stop smoking; they can also help you stay motivated and stay on track.

Whenever you decide it is time for you to give up smoking, remember that many have tried and been successful at it. Stay motivated and don’t give up…it’s worth the effort.