The Relation Between Weight Loss and Fitness

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Up until the last decade the focus of weight loss had been to look good. People the world over aspired to get rid of the unsightly fat on their body and have shapely and attractive physiques in order to fulfill a single aim- becoming appealing and good-looking. However, with the rise in awareness and information about being fit more and more people have come to understand that weight loss fitness and health are all interlinked and there is a definite relationship between feeling good and looking good.

Weight loss, fitness and strength are all pages of the same story- being healthy, able and robust. It is a simple fact that when one is in good shape and taking care of one’s well being it inevitable begins to show and also makes you look attractive. So in order to be able to look good it is essential that you must have a good lifestyle.

Before you can set out to achieve weight loss, fitness and vigor you need to understand that these terms are subjective. The amount of weight you need to lose to be fit will not be the same as the amount your friend needs to shed. So, before you begin on any weight loss fitness schemes, consult a doctor and find out your Body Mass Ration and figure out how much your ideal body weight is keeping in tune with your age, height and structure. Once you have the ideal body weight the focus should be on achieving it and not pushing yourself lower than that.

You may well ask what the relationship between losing weight and fitness is. Truth be told, the minute you are overweight, you come into the danger zone for a variety of illnesses and diseases. Medical studies and research over years has shown that people who are overweight are prone to a variety of ailments some of which can be extremely dangerous such as blocked arteries, a propensity for heart diseases, cholesterol, breathing problems, liver problems and dysfunctional body systems. As you put on more and more weight your body is forced to work harder to keep up the body processes. This causes the organ systems to begin to wear and tear and a number of medical complications to arise.

In order to be fit and to be slim it is important to eat well, exercise a lot and lose all the excess weight and keep it off to ensure that your body flourishes.