10 Weight Loss Tips That Really Make a Difference

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If you’re looking for a healthy weight loss method, and seem to have tried every diet, you might be resigned to the fact that losing weight is much harder than you thought. Before you give up, here are some weight loss tips that will really help you.

1. It might sound obvious, but eating less food will help you to lose weight. Although you don’t have to starve yourself, there might be times when you are just eating for the sake of it, or out of habit.

2. Why not keep a food diary of what you eat, and see how you can make healthy changes? Perhaps you snack a lot in the morning at work, or in the evening? How could you replace chocolate or crisps with fruit? Why not see if you can cook food that keeps you fuller for longer so you don’t need snacks?

3. It’s also a good idea to think about your portion sizes. Why not see whether your portion is what’s on the packet or the box? By weighing out your pasta and rice, and other food, you’ll probably find that your portion sizes are much bigger than you thought. If you’re not using these additional calories, then you’ll be putting weight on.

4. By eating more fruit and vegetables, you can be sure that you’re getting your recommended 5 portions a day. Why not vary your 5 a day during the week? What about eating fruit or vegetables as snacks during the day?

5. In order to lose weight you’ll need to make sure that you’re using up more calories than you’re eating. Men need around 2500 calories a day, and women need 2000 calories. If you’re eating crisps, burgers and chocolate, and consuming sugary snacks and fizzy drinks, as well as eating your meals, you can easily be eating far more calories than you thought.

6. It’s important that you realise that you won’t suddenly lose weight overnight. Weighing yourself everyday is counterproductive, and denying yourself foods, will probably just make you want them more. if you think of losing weight as more of a change of lifestyle, and thinking, rather than a diet, you’re probably more likely to succeed.

7. You might want to start swimming as it’s a non weight bearing exercise, so no matter how fit you are, you won’t be damaging your joints. It’s also extremely effective for weight loss, as it’s an all over body exercise.

8. Fitness classes might be what you need, if you prefer to be with other people. You’ll have the motivation to keep going, and will soon see the results if you eat healthily too.

9. A personal trainer can provide the inspiration and motivation you need. Perhaps you don’t know where to start, or want help with you diet and lifestyle, as well as exercising. A qualified personal trainer will be able to set you achievable goals, so that you know you’re making progress.

10. You might be anxious about the costs involved in losing weight. Perhaps you don’t want to have to buy gym clothes, or hire a personal trainer. However, the benefits of healthy weight loss, and the fact that you will be fitter, and hopefully still be able to play with your children, will more than make up for any outlay.

Now you know how you can achieve a healthy weight loss, what’s stopping you?