How to Stick to Your Weight Loss Goals For Life

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So, you want to lose weight but you’re finding it hard to stick with your weight loss goals, is that right? Well, relax. Barring a malady, there’s probably nothing wrong with you.

You’re no different than the millions of other people that struggle to reach their goals, and yet they achieve them. Why? Because they know and practice techniques you probably don’t know.

You see, you can have the best genetics to look lean and sexy but fail to do so because you quit at the first sign of struggle. Or, you can be genetically “handicapped” but don’t know when to quit and have an envious body.

So, I am going to show you what you’re missing so that you become that person who “doesn’t know when to quit.” This will be most important component in your weight loss program, so read this carefully.

The Biggest Mistake People Make When Trying To Accomplish Their Weight Loss Goal

The biggest reason people cannot reach their weight loss goal is because they simply give up and quit. So the question is, “how can you stay committed to this goal, to this lifestyle?” Well the first thing you need is an UNQUENCHABLE DESIRE to lose weight. And I’m going to assume you have that and that explains why you lost some weight when you started your program.

But there is one more critical thing you need to keep yourself going so that you reach you desirable weight and keep it. That other thing is the focus of that desire. In other words, you need to fine-tune your desire a little. Let me explain.

Ask anyone who tried losing weight but failed to reach (and keep) their goal what it is that they desired and I’ll guarantee you that 99% of them will answer, “I wanted to lose weight” or “I wanted to look good” or something similar to that. Well, who doesn’t want that, right?

So, the question is: Is your desire to lose weight? Or, is it to SUCCEED in losing weight? A very subtle difference but a very critical one. Since we always go after and get what we desire, you better be careful where you focus your desire.

When you desire success, there is conviction in the outcome, not the process. You desire the results! You become sort of obsessed with being that fit person, not trying to be a fit person. “Tryers” will quit when things get tough, I guarantee you that.

How To Develop That Unquenchable Desire Of Success

I’m going to share with you something I learned from a man named Phillip Eby, and then give you my little tweak version of its application. OK, here’s how you develop a desire of success:

1. Look yourself in the mirror and see that overweight body

2. Now picture your body lean, fit, muscular, or however you want it to look like. In other words, this is your successfully completed body.

3. As you’re looking at your overweight body, start fading that image and imagine your desired body on you. You can find a picture of your desired body if you’re having a hard time envisioning it. As long as you can see a “before and after” image of those two bodies, that’s all that matters.

4. Now keep doing that until you get a FEELING of, “Yes, I want it!” (this feeling of “I want it” is CRITICAL so keep picturing that desired body until you experience a good sensation)

5. Ask yourself, “What is it I like about that nice body?” It can be anything YOU (and only you) like about it. Does it give you more confidence? Does it make you feel healthier? Do you simply just like the look? Anything.

6. If you’ve done it correctly, you’re going to WANT to take action so you can make that body a reality.

Here’s My Version

Sometimes when I’m struggling through my workouts, I envision myself as if I already had that body I want. In other words, my fit strong body is showing me how it gets done. This is literally being the person I want to be, even though I physically don’t look like it yet.

You might want to watch some (YouTube) videos of fit people working out, eating, and just basically doing what fit people do. You don’t have to do as much as they do (as far as the exercise duration, the weight they use, etc.), but go through the motion as if they were doing it. This gives you something to emulate.

This really helps get me through my workouts. Give it a try. It’s free and has no side effects.


There’s only one thing you need to become a fit person: Develop a desire to succeed.

Once you have this, find a weight loss protocol you believe in and let your desire to succeed take over.