Workout Motivation You Need? It’s More Than That

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Workout motivation, anyone?

Sure. But all of us know this – sticking to a workout program is hard!

I’m sure you’ve been there. You start to workout, well for 3 months, then you fall off for 6 months…..Then when new year dawns, you resolve to start workout again, ahem….for 3 months and then you just stop……

Don’t laugh! It’s not only you who do like that. Studies say 90% of us do the same thing.

You know what? Most of the time when you skip or quit a workout program, more often is because you’re LAZY. I know that because I’m lazy too! In fact, all of us are!

Plus the fact if we don’t see the results we want – immediately. That, I’m afraid, seals the fate of your motivation to workout.

How do you get motivated then?

One simple fact here can set you free already……

That 90% of the time motivation is psychologically and emotionally triggered.

Emotions motivate us – we feel the need to do certain things or to achieve certain goals.

What are these emotional triggers?

Let’s see:

1. To Attract The Opposite Sex

We won’t admit this but deep down, this is THE REASON why we workout.

We want to attract the best-looking girls or guys! We secretly wish that with our sleeker and tighter body, we can have droves of them coming for us!

2. To Look Your Best In Swimsuit

Summer’s coming! And you’ll be holidaying at the beach. You get real panicky because you know you’re out of shape!

You want to look good – sleek, toned, tight and slim and “flaunt” your well-shaped body in a slinky, revealing bikini…..

You want people to admire your body.

3. To Be Strong

Strong here meaning you feel good doing things you aren’t able to do before.

I always feel proud I can lift up lots of heavy objects and groceries attributed to my strong muscles while my sisters and friends struggle to lift even the lightest objects and groceries.

And I relish the sense of strength in my body and the feeling of power over my surroundings.

4. To Feel Good About Yourself

Though you know you don’t look different after just 1 week of working out, but it’s funny that you feel good about yourself and that you feel you’re better-looking already even if you haven’t changed that much yet.

This is what I called self-confidence. It’s a strong emotion that can impact other areas of your life and make you an overall more successful person. Believe me.

5. To Be Healthy

You want to be healthy for yourself, for your family members.

For yourself, you know that regular workout will give you better health and better life quality, now and in the future (especially when you’re old).

You don’t want to be bed-ridden, to be dependent on others. You want to be able to savor health and strength and vitality all your life.

For family members – for your kids and your husband. Family fitness all round to combat better with sicknesses and diseases.

Or your motivation could be from someone close to you…..your father, mother, sister, brother who died due to cancers, heart attack, diabetes…..You decide that you shouldn’t allow yourself to follow in their footsteps….

OK. I’m sure you can add your own emotional triggers.

Just think: what make you decide to workout in the first place?

Remember what it feels like being extremely motivated? Don’t let it fade away!

Write down everything you feel and want.

And do it!

The next time you start to feel lazy or undisciplined, think about these triggers. I promise you, you’ll start to act and workout!

And just so you know….

Sticking with a workout routine is more than just motivation. It takes time, discipline, patience and a constant, daily commitment to see it grow. There isn’t any shortcut but once you make it a part of your life, you would stick to it.