Exercise Motivation As Easy As 1, 2, 3, Go!

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Have you ever had problems with exercise motivation? I know I have. After struggling against this demon for a few years I finally drew a line. I decided that exercise was far too important to my health and happiness to avoid doing it. I had to find a way to get myself to exercise.

So I sat down, had a big long think and finally realized these two things.

1. I don’t feel like exercising when I don’t have any energy. 2. When I exercise I actually get more energy. I feel great and I just want more and more.

Now, there was something wrong there. I liked having energy. No, I LOVED having energy. But I resisted doing exercise? Does that sound logical to you?

I didn’t think so. So what was the problem? Well I did some more thinking and finally came to the conclusion that the limiting factor was…


So what’s so hard about starting?…

“Well I’ve just remembered that I have to clean out the garage”…

Sound familiar? That’s the sound of procrastination rearing its ugly head!

Now, you and I both know that exercising is far more important in the long run that cleaning out the garage. So what we need is a way of beating this devil…

The best way to beat your procrastination is to make 1 simple commitment to yourself…

Before you start on that garage do 10 minutes of exercise. Just 10 minutes. I know you can handle 10 minutes. If you still feel like cleaning the garage afterwards then you can still do it, although I’m not promising that you will.

But how can you get an effective exercise session in 10 mins?


Here are the steps to take.

Step 1 Choose 2 muscles on your body. Step 2 Choose 2 exercises for each muscle. Step 3 Set up a mini circuit using 10 reps on each exercise and go through 3 sets. Go!

The weights or resistance that you use should be heavy enough so that you’re struggling to finish your last set. This will ensure that your 10 minutes is a 10 minutes well spent.

Although this method only works a small number of muscles it works them well and you will see results quickly. If you can manage to do these quick workouts everyday then you will be absolutely blown away by the results that you get.

Let’s go through an example I did earlier this morning. Step 1 I chose to workout my triceps and my abs. Step 2 The Tricep exercises I chose were Tricep Dips and Skull Crushers. The ab exercises that I chose were Swiss Ball Crunches and the Crazy Dance. Step 3 This is what one round of my circuit looked like: Tricep Dips x10, Swiss Ball Crunches x10, Skull Crushers x10, Crazy Dance x10. I did this circuit three times and felt magnificent afterwards.

Because these workouts are so short, and appealing to your mind, you will be able to do more of them. Sometimes I do 2 of them a day. That’s 4 muscles worked out, and worked out well! It quickly adds up if you do a few of these a week. Once you start doing these you’ll feel so energetic and motivated that you won’t want to stop. It’s a great way to build the healthy habit of exercise which will serve you well your entire life.