How to Ensure a Healthy Pregnancy

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From the day you first came to know that you are pregnant, your mind is filled with boundless joy. The mere thought of the unborn resting quietly in our womb fills you with a kind of bliss that you never knew existed. While the entire family rejoices your pregnancy, you would have to be prepared to go through healthy pregnancy that is safe for you and your baby. After all, your state of health would reflect directly on the baby you are carrying. This is the time when you have to think of taking care of two – one is you and the other is your unborn child.

While the health care giver is going to guide you through the pregnancy in terms of medicines that you need to have, the exercises and so on, you still need to take care of yourself during this critical phase of your life. A healthy pregnancy not only ensures that you have a safe and healthy child birth but also remain a healthy mother even after you have brought this bundle of joy to this earth. Here are some useful tips for healthy pregnancy:

o Make sure that you feel comfortable with your doctor. Do not hide anything from the doctor, however insignificant it may seem to you. Listen to his or her advice and follow them diligently.
o As mentioned earlier, what you eat is not only going to benefit you but your unborn child too. The child is taking all the required nutrients from your body, so make sure that you give him adequate supply of vitamins and minerals as he grows in your womb. Ensure that your diet is rich in fibers and vegetables. Stay away from fried and processed foods. Avoid stale food left over in the refrigerator. It is best not to have aerated drinks or foods that are artificially sweetened. Have fresh fruit juices every time you feel like reaching out for a drink. These are critical if you want to ensure healthy pregnancy.
o Smoking and alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Healthy pregnancy means completely doing away with such habits.
o Drink adequate water every day. Keeping your body well hydrated keeps you healthy during pregnancy.
o Follow the exercising schedules recommended by your doctor. These days there are plenty of DIY exercising DVDs available which can see you through the entire period of pregnancy. If not anything, go for long walks in the morning and evening. Fresh air does wonders to your health during this time.
o Try squatting for about 5 to 10 minutes every day. This facilitates natural child birth.
o Make sure that your meals are cooked in a hygienic way. Diarrhea, dysentery or any digestive disorder can arise out of contaminated food or bad cooking. Therefore meal hygiene is very important during this time.
o Fish oil and fish rich in omega fatty acids is good for the growth of fetus brain. Ask your doctor for supplements containing folic acid.

This is one of the most important phases of your life. With a bit of care, hygiene and awareness, you can glide through your pregnancy without any problem.