Keys to a Healthy Lifestyle – Detox Your Lifestyle to Make Space For a Healthier You

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What do you need to let go of to make space for a healthier lifestyle?

Old habits die hard and can therefore be difficult to change. They slow you down and get in the way of what and who you want to become.

What lifestyle habits are standing in the way of a healthier way of life for you?

In what ways can you learn to let go of activities that give you pleasure now but cost you dearly later on?

Allow yourself to think about the idea of letting go of something that’s standing in the way of you achieving a healthy lifestyle. You can choose to let go of something for now and pick it up again later if you want to, that’s your choice. However, take into account that letting go of just one thing will mean you have space to pick up something else that might bring you even more pleasure. We invite you to do that now.

Sometimes when you feel overwhelmed by things in your life, the situation is not as real as you think it is. Sometimes the problem is in what you think about the situation rather than the circumstances themselves. Often the negative thought patterns associated with overwhelm come from a belief system that you learned as you journeyed through life.

The burden of negative thought patterns can create toxicity in your mind and body, weighing you down and making you feel heavy and demoralized. The lifestyle detox activity below will help you clear away the obstacles and let go of thought patterns that have been keeping you from living a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle Detox Activity

Once you know where your life needs detoxifying you can begin to make space for a healthier way of living. Focus on identifying one thing that is creating toxicity in your life. Or choose more than one – you choose how many you want to consider.

Notice thought patterns that are creating toxicity. Once you know the areas you need to detoxify you can begin to find ways to cleanse you life. Focus on something that you have the power to change, rather than things you have no control over. Stop and take time to consider these questions.

What have you learned from this exercise?
What will you choose to let go?
What will you replace it with?

Now create a compelling outcome for yourself that will enable you to detoxify your life and create a healthier lifestyle right now. Make sure your lifestyle outcome is clear to you. Write it down, draw a picture, meditate on it – whatever works for you is just fine.