Success With Your Fitness Weight Loss Goals – Avoid These 7 Blunders!

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To really capitalize on your weight loss mission objectives it is imperative that you avoid these 7 common mistakes that people make when undertaking the challenge of setting fitness weight loss goals.

1. All or None Mentality
You want so badly to lose the weight that you get caught up in the whole line of thinking that since you only lost a certain number of pounds within a specified period of time; you decide to blow it all off! Hold on a minute! You did not gain all of the additional body fat in just a few weeks! Be realistic and patient!

2. A Super Strict Diet
First, forget the “diet” crap! You should have menu planning and healthy lifestyle thinking that aligns you with tasty, high-octane fat burning foods! The biggest action step that you are really taking is to get the empty-calorie carbs foods and drinks out of your house!

3. Too Few Calories
If you go down this road your body will go into a state of protection or starvation mode and attempt to slow the body’s metabolism. Once you eat something… Whamo! It gets converted to stored bodyfat. Wait a minute, isn’t that what you are trying to get rid of?

4. Working Out Alone
Since the process of working out can be a challenge at times, it certainly would be nice to have a workout buddy. This is a very powerful strategy to take advantage off and over the course of your fitness weight loss goals it’s an excellent support system.

5. Missing Breakfast
You have heard it many times before and the old adage is true: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It will kick-start your get your metabolism and help you from getting too hungry and overeating! An excellent time for a protein drink consisting of whey or soy!

6. No Food Diary
If you don’t know where you are going, you are not going to like where you wind up! This is really to help you monitor what you are consuming as you start this new healthy living lifestyle. It is also good for helping you to do menu planning and learn about different, new foods that you are introducing to your body! Keep an honest food diary for at least 30 days.

7. Setting Unrealistic Goals
Avoid setting goals that even the most devoted fitness enthusiast couldn’t meet. Can you really cut out all sodas, if you’re used to downing a 2-liter bottle each day? Is running 4 times around the track doable, when you just started walking last week? Your goals should be attainable, without crushing you to a pulp and causing you undue hardship, discouragement and despair.

Please kind in mind that this is not an overnight process! Be patient with yourself and stay steady on the course and you will easily obtain your desired targets in health, weight and fitness!

That’s it for now! Just keep those thoughts in mind and you will manage just fine. If I can be of further help, just let me know. Best of success to you in your health and fitness weight loss goals.