Teaching Your Kids About Oral Hygiene – Why and What

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Children naturally long for sweet foods. Adults usually make chocolates, candies, cakes and anything that is sweet as gift ideas for children either on birthdays or holidays. Prior to entering school, parents usually bring their children to the dentist to extract damaged teeth. Dental caries are common among children. Admirable parents who have brought up their children with healthy teeth are worth for recommendations. Yet, as a parent, how are you going to do that?

Teaching children appropriate dental hygiene plays a vital factor in helping them to become healthy adults someday. Granted, health officials as well as dentists highly suggests regular brushing with appropriate toothpaste, flossing as well as rinsing helps in avoiding dental cavities along with certain disease and tooth loss. Parents are primarily responsible in teaching kids the importance of dental health through demonstration and their example. Absolutely, good parental example on oral hygiene (Mundhygiejne) is the powerful tool in teaching children oral hygiene. Childhood is the perfect time of teaching oral hygiene which they will carry for their entire life.

Below are tips in teaching your children for proper oral habits.

* Use gauze pad or soft washcloth in cleaning your baby’s teeth twice daily. Consistent cleaning of your baby’s teeth helps in preventing cavities. Try using it with water along with tiny drop of toothpaste. This cleanses the teeth and gives soothing sensation onto your baby’s gums which are inflamed in teething process.
* Floss your baby’s teeth once teeth’s are touching with each other. This prevents the bacteria being trapped in between the teeth.
* It is recommended to take your baby for dental appointment as early as one year old. This permits the dentist check your baby’s teeth for evaluation and early hygiene regimen on.
* Children who 3 years above are encouraged to brush teeth on their own using kiddie’s toothbrush which is normally soft. Train them to gently brush in circular motion and thoroughly rinse with water and expel. These could be an enjoyable activity shared by the entire family while inculcating the brushing techniques to your children.
* At the age of 3, you should encourage your children to start flossing.
* Annually replace your children’s toothbrushes and vary the size suitable for their age. You better off select toothbrushes which have medium bristles and small head.
* Sporadically, examine the affectivity of the hygiene routine of your child by plaque attack. The white substance which is build up once the food is mixed with the bacteria along with saliva clings onto the teeth and later on forms cavities. In order to determine plaque remains after brushing, try mixing four droplets of red coloring with water approximately 2 tablespoons in a cup. Swish around about 10 seconds within the mouth then spit on the sink but avoid rinsing it off. With a regular mirror or magnifying glass, search for red spots since these are plaques. Brush it away and notice the portion where initial brushing is unsuccessful in removing the plaque.
* Dental appointments be prioritizes to ensure your child’s oral health.

Never forget to replace your child’s toothbrush in the event they suffer from flu or cold. Limit their consumption of sugary foods, most likely the sticky ones and try replacing them with fruits as well as vegetables.