Food Hygiene

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There are few things more important in everyday food preparation then proper hygiene. Without the seemingly simple washing of hands and tools disease would spread rampantly throughout society. This was not always known though and in some places is still not taken as seriously as it should be. For this reason the government has made mandatory health codes and random health checks the norm.

To be a professional food handler you must know,understand, and implement proper food hygiene techniques. Knowing them alone is not enough though, for many areas you will need to take classes and be properly certified in order to prepare food professionally. This may mean that each employee needs to be certified or it may mean that the restaurant needs proper certification, it really depends on the given area.

To make sure that you have all of the proper courses and certifications you will most likely need to call your local health board. Do not be afraid to “wake a sleeping giant” of sorts, they get these calls every day and will not be influenced into inspecting your establishment because of it. More likely, they will be on much better terms with you over the long run,knowing that you are trying to do the correct thing.

To get your food hygiene certification,one must take a series of classes or at the least a course. This can usually be done at a local college,night school,or online. When choosing these classes, be sure that the proper topics will be covered and that they will meet all of your needs. The rules can vary from county to county in some cases and everyone should understand what needs to be taught.