Working Out and Motivation

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How can we motivate ourselves to workout? It’s all about our daily habits and how we view them. Whether or not it’s a healthy lifestyle, everyone is addicted to how we live because we truly are creatures of habit. If you’re looking for ways to break this cycle, anything is possible.

Motivation has a simple definition. It is basically the driving force that makes us do something. Look at it from a smoker’s standpoint. He or she is driven by motivation to smoke a cigarette because of an addiction where he or she “thinks” it is needed. Just as smokers can quit, you can change your habits to make better choices. It seems difficult because your body is telling you that it needs to do something different than what your mind tells you. On the other hand, there is a lot of truth to the old saying of mind over matter. Just remember that your mind controls your body no matter what your body wants.

Think about all the benefits of exercise. We all know at least a few of the reasons to workout. Each of us may have different goals, but we can picture ourselves achieving them all the same. Think about all your fitness goals and write them down. Now, take the top three goals and picture yourself within the next year after achieving them. Imagine how you would look. Imagine how you would feel. Do not think about anything else except these two concepts. It is a great feeling to see yourself the way you would like to be.

The next step is implementing these thoughts into figuring out how to achieve them. From here I will address some of the roadblocks to getting started on a workout. Some of you may say that it is too tough for your schedule. You must make yourself the number one priority here. You and I both know you can fit at least 30 minutes into each day to workout. Actually, you only need to set aside that 30 minutes for three days a week to get yourself started since you don’t want to overdo the workouts in the beginning of a program. Now, look at your schedule each day of the week and sort out three days where you can fit 30 minutes. The next thing you should do is write your workout into your schedule. That way, you have no excuse because it will be an appointment for the day. Remember that working out can actually improve your energy and productivity at work and home. So even work can benefit from regular exercise. Another common roadblock is the feeling that you don’t want to workout in a gym or public until you look better. Most people go to the gym or workout somewhere because they want to improve their fitness just like you. I guarantee that there are many other people out there working out who are at the same fitness level you are, and who probably are in the exact same shape. Both of these roadblocks, like many others which could be listed, are just excuses and can be overcome just by remembering the images you see of yourself within the next year.

Finally, a lot of people give up their programs after only a few weeks. The process of getting into shape does not happen overnight. If it did, then I would be out of a job. The best thing to do is find something fun you can do. You can join an exercise class where you’d meet new people who are in the same boat. You could let a personal trainer get you started. Most gyms and personal training studios offer at least one complimentary session to help you stay motivated and give you fun ideas to keep your workouts entertaining. Just tap into a trainers mind, there is a wealth of information floating around in there. Some trainers will even come to your home if you don’t start out by joining a gym. There are many opportunities to find help in a gym or in the comfort of your own home, all you have to do is find them.

The key to succeeding is to keep your thoughts positive. Just think back to how you imagined yourself within the next year and use those thoughts to drive you every step of the way. Just remember this, your mind is much stronger than your body and you can use it to succeed.