3 Good Weight Loss Fitness Exercises

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Losing weight is hard especially as there are so many different methods on the internet of what to do. All these methods are good, however, how would you narrow them down to the top 3? With the help of this article I will tell you 3 good weight loss fitness exercises.

Fitness Exercise One

Cardio exercises. Cardio is a great way of losing weight as it burns calories. By burning more calories than you take in you are shifting those unwanted pounds. The most popular cardio exercise is walking. Everyone does it and burns calories, however, if you want to take it to the next step you could go for a run, a swim, cycling and even dancing. There are loads of other cardio exercises these are just a handful.

Fitness Exercise Two

Weight training is a good way to lose weight and gain build up your muscle. Weight training is thought to lose less calories than cardio which it does, however that is only during the exercise. When you finish a cardio workout the calories start to stop burning. When you finish a weight training workout your body is still burning the calories as your muscle fibres are repairing themselves which needs energy, so in the long run weight training burns calories for a longer period of time plus you build a larger muscle mass.

Fitness Exercise Three

Doing a physical activity. This can lead into fitness exercise one but still is another good point. Physical activities like football or martial arts are great for losing weight. Instead of going to the gym everyday and doing this same thing, you could go and play football (or whatever sport you enjoy). The reason you should do a physical activity is that you are doing something you like. Going to the gym everyday isn’t that fun whereas doing your favourite sport is; you stay fit and have fun with your teammates. If you don’t do any sports then find something to do. There are plenty of physical activities that you will be good at, try them, you never know, you may have some fun.

These 3 exercises are things you can fit into your everyday life. Read through them again and see which point (or points) you need to improve. What’s the worst that could happen? I give this advice and it works? Doesn’t sound that bad to me.