Eating Healthy Lunches

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Eating healthy lunches will greatly benefit your day! I’m sure most, if not all of us have heard of the saying “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper.” There is nothing wrong with this saying if you totally agree to what it has to say. But for me, I find this a bit twisted.

Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day, but it shouldn’t be greeted bountifully. Most will argue that we’ve just broken an 8 hour fast due to sleep, therefore we need to eat more during breakfast. Well, go ahead if you want to destroy your digestive system. Most nutritionist will never suggest that you eat a bountiful breakfast instead, they will suggest that you eat a simple meal of bread or oats with milk or coffee. This will help “activate” your digestive system preparing it for a long day ahead.

I’m not sure how your day starts and ends, but this is what I’ve noticed. Mornings are hectic, but not loaded. What I meant is that during the morning hours, we’re running about fixing meals and heading off to school/work, but its not as loaded as the afternoons. This is the reason why for me, Lunch is the most important meal of the day, because just after that morning snacks, the momentum builds up and I’m sure you don’t want the train to leave you!

Eating good and healthy lunches will gives you the energy to stay alert and focus on the tasks that you need to accomplish before the day ends. And a satisfied stomach also won’t growl every minute, allowing you and your “neighbors” to concentrate better.

Do not pack up food that are rich in carbohydrates, because loading carbo into your diet will only make you sleepy than alert. Instead think simple — a loaf of whole wheat bread and a jar of peanut butter, or how about a package of corn tortilla, a can of black beans, and some fresh tomatoes. Another nice and healthy lunch will be frozen veggie burgers, whole grain hamburger buns, and a jar of roasted sweet peppers. Hefty lunches does not mean load up! Hefty lunches means eating the right food at the right time.

If you’re buying, instead of packing, then go to a place that makes one to order instead of pre-packed. With “to order” places, you can ask for more tomatoes, onions and pickles but less on mayo and other dressings. And instead of buying hot dogs on stands with chips and soda, settle for a turkey or chicken sandwich and water.

Consuming the right food the right way will help you through your day with much alertness and fruitfulness. Remember, Eat Healthy, Be Healthy!