Personal Hygiene And Your Health

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It is worthy to note, though not believed by all that your level of personal hygiene affects how regularly you fall ill. This knowledge notwithstanding,. Some people still care less about their personal hygiene. The use of preventive medication perfumes and putting on of good clothing can never equate personal hygiene.

Good and personal hygiene does not require money neither does it depend in your financial muscle. Rather, it is usually cultivated as an individual grows into adulthood. Cultivating this habit is never too late to start. Popular phrases like “health is wealth” or “cleanliness is next to godliness” are acronyms that support this print.

Let us take a look at fingernails as example, in Africa, their culture dictates that many of their foods are taken with their hands. For them, there is nothing wrong with eating with bare hands, but the issue is, are those hands clean? Infact, there are some of their local foods that they believe that it tastes nice only when you eat it with your fingers. This goes to show that the finger is the gateway to their body through the mouth .This same hands are employed to do many other things like washing of plates, washing the body, writing, sweeping the environment, driving, writing, using the toilet etc .In the process of doing all these things, many things ranging from tiny particles of dirt of different types to invisible germs come in contact with the finger nails. Health workers, like doctors and nurses, veterinerarians, butchers, garbage cleaners make use of their fingernails. These professionals are usually aware of the importance of maintaining good hands and fingernails hygiene and therefore less susceptible to fingernail borne disease than the general public, who don’t care. Anyone that is serious about maintaing a good and personal hygiene must be serious about the state of his fingernails because your fingernails can harbor germs which can be injurious to your health if you are unfortunate to come in contact with dangerous germs during the course of the day. These germs are too tiny to see with the naked eyes. When you infect yourself with disease through own fingernails, it is called autoinoculation.

Globally, women who excel in their endeavors hold and maintain good fingernails hygiene. Hand washing is very important in maintaining a personal. This may sound easy but it really works to reduce your exposure to bad germs.

You must wash your hands after doing the following:
*After you visit the toilet.
*After handling trash or taking out garbage.
*After handling raw meat, fish or poultry.
*After you touch wounds, cuts, boil, etc
*Before and after eating
*After you get home from work, play etc
*After blowing your nose, handling dirty items, like cleaning rags etc.

Wash your hands with soap, water and use nail brush if you your hands needs a thorough washing. Brush removes far more germs than ordinary washing. Some of the germs harbored by the fingernails include: Camphylobacter, staphylococcus (these are the germs that cause multiple resistance staph infection which are difficult to treat.) E.coli etc.

Simple personal hygiene goes a long way in maintaining a healthy life.