The Basics of a Healthy Lifestyle

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In today’s age, health is becoming a matter of great concern for all of us. However, what is ‘health’ after all? Health can be termed as a disease-free state of the body. When your body is not affected by any ills that is when we say that we are healthy. We have loads of money to buy exercise equipment but we are poor when it comes to health, because we cannot buy health however affluent we are. However, one thing is for sure. We can retain the fitness level and if possible increase it with regular workouts.

What you need to do for that? Well, anyone will answer by saying ‘do exercise’ walk 5 KMs daily, run 4 rounds of 400M. daily. The advice out there is numerous and sometimes contradictory. Moreover, so can be the advice about how to exercise as well. However, the lack of systematic guidance can go against you, as half knowledge is always harmful. Therefore, it would be better to go for professional assistance to start with.

When you say ‘exercise’, you mean a whole lot of things. ‘Exercise’ can be a subjective term and it depends in which sense you are taking it. Brisk walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming are all types of exercises that you can do to increase your stamina or to keep yourself fit. However, what is being ‘fit’ or what is ‘fitness’? Fitness is the state of your body when you can do the above-mentioned exercises without feeling weak. When you can walk, jump, do weightlifting etc. you are said to be fit. Those who are ill can find it hard to do such things or might not do it at all.

Participating in outdoor sports, just for the sake of exercise, is also a good idea. You need not compete the professional way, but you can at least gauge how you are progressing. You can come to know if you are going on the right track or not. Sport is also fun, so you won’t be bored of your routine and give up.

The most important part of remaining fit is almost always neglected. What you eat is how you think. Therefore, a proper diet, mainly a vegetarian one is essential. Proper diet means we have the materials to build a healthy body available, and the vitamins and minerals we need to fight disease.