Smart and Simple Steps to Weight Loss

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In previous articles I have tried to avoid advancing specific opinions or theories and offering abbreviated answers to complex questions. I have rather tried, in my own way, to point readers in the right direction and to get them thinking positively about how to effectively tackle issues on their own. The subject of weight loss will be no different. There are tens of thousands of different miracle cures, instant result diets, sure fire exercise methods and gadgets and tons of pills and potions guaranteed to turn us into beautiful people overnight. Some will produce a degree of the promised effect. Most will not and will leave you despondent and out of pocket. This article will attempt to give the reader some insight into the basic first steps in effective, long term weight loss.

There is probably no single personal health issue that enjoys more attention, elicits more heated debate or generates more income from a bigger spin-off industry than weight loss. And as we become ever more conscious of health issues and personal appearance and our environment becomes more rewarding of the svelte and beautiful, the weight loss phenomenon will surely continue to gain ground.

One of the main reasons that a subject as outwardly simple as weight loss continues to confound so many people, and enjoys as many varied and sometimes contradictory theoretical solutions is that it is not simple at all. The basic theory behind weight loss is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Your body needs X to survive and maintain a healthy body fat relationship when you expend Y in energy on average. If you are consuming X + Z then Z is going to gleefully pack on around your thighs. Or if you start expending Y A, then X becomes excessive and the excess joins Z in a burgeoning waistline. Take in no more than you need and a full length cover feature in Top Ten Sexiest is near at hand. Simple right?

If only! That magical point of balance is subject to so many personal, genetic and environmental variables that few people ever get to achieve acceptable weight loss and maintain ideal body mass. Maintenance being the operative word. Loosing 100 lbs in 6 months is meaningless and even dangerous if you pack 125 on in the following 6. So why is attainable, long term weight loss such a modern day Unicorn? Personally, I think the answer need not be as complex as the question. To effectively loose weight and then keep it off we need to know ourselves. And no, I do not mean a pilgrimage to Tibet in search of the inner you.

Anyone who has spent time in the military will know that the best way to conquer an enemy is to know him well. Accurate intelligence wins battles. We need to know exactly what we are dealing with on a personal, physical basis before we rush out to buy into the newest fad diet. Knowing what type of metabolism we have, how pre-existing medical conditions affect that metabolism, and even what food allergies we may suffer from is an essential first step in effective weight loss. Only then can we make informed calls on how to control our weight. No two people have the same physical profile or exercise and nutritional needs. So generic weight loss methods are usually doomed to deliver marginal benefit or fail right out of the box. This is where that personal knowledge comes in.

See you family doctor and have a battery of basic tests run such as thyroid function, blood sugar and insulin response, a complete cholesterol count, liver and renal function. Based on these results, a doctor can usually decide on any relevant treatment, draw up a report and refer you to a reputable dietitian. There, based on their assessment and the doctors report, you will receive definitive advice about how to structure your diet according to your medical profile, body type and nutritional needs.

The dietitian will also be able to give some advice on what you should be doing to optimize you energy expenditure. This in itself is usually enough to deliver results and if followed will almost certainly lead to sustainable weight loss results. Especially so as your energy levels are bound to rise due to the beneficial effects of a good, specifically designed diet. This is the point where fitness pro steps up to the plate.

When considering a specific exercise regimen please keep this in mind. Do not let Mr Atlas at the local gym sell you on some wonder schedule that will turn you into a ripped wonder overnight. Remember the magic word – sustainability. Rather get into an exercise habit that you will be able to enjoy and ideally include in your family activity schedule. Nobody wants to do stuff that hurts, so take it easy but KEEP taking it easy. Do not drop out for any reason. I assure you that a sensible, tailored diet and a regular, moderate exercise program will produce better weight loss results than patent snake oil any day.

To close off, base your decisions on professional input and not on infomercial blurb. And maintain — always maintain. Get definitive, scientific advice about your specific needs then make your weight loss program a fun, lifestyle issue. That way it becomes part of your life and not something that has a 30 sachet lifespan.
Good luck!