Foods To Lose Weight – Dinner Menu

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Have you been searching for a way to lose weight fast?

Do you have an upcoming social event to attend and have trouble getting into your favorite outfit or afraid to take a picture and showcase your double chin?

Those types of experiences are all common situations that can be both embarrassing and depressing. Not feeling happy with how you look can do tremendous damage to your self-confidence, personal relationships and, depending where you are with it, your finances.

Probably the best thing I can offer to you is a calming and assuring hand of support. Believe it or not, your struggle is nothing new. In fact there are millions of others who are in the same boat as you and looking for an answer. I can’t promise you a miracle answer that will solve all of your problems overnight, but I can offer you a start and proven strategy to get you headed in the right direction in your weight loss efforts.

Through personal fascination and by request, I have conducted some research and testing of some different combination’s of meal plans that are both tasty and most importantly healthy. With breakfast and lunch covered in some previous articles I’ve written, I decided to feature a piece highlighting dinner.

With all of the meal plans featured in this series each will on average cut around 100 calories per meal from your daily diet. The formula is simple and straight to the point. You may say to yourself cutting back 100 calories won’t mean much in the course of a day. The fact of the matter is you’re right. My strategy focuses on long-term weight loss specifically over the course of a year.

The plan is to cut 100 calories from at least one meal for three times a week. If followed precisely you would’ve cut back 300 calories per week. Again, as I stated 300 calories per week isn’t going to give you large loses overnight. The cumulative effect is where the real power is. For example shedding 100 calories three times per week for one year will lead to a total loss of five pounds (100 x 3 x 52=15,600 calories/5 pounds).

That number only represents cutting 100 calories from a single meal per week. Consider if you applied this concept to two to three other meals. You could be looking at another five to ten pounds by incorporating such a simple adjustment to your daily diet.

Dinner meals

A solid dinner will satisfy your appetite and help you avoid late night snacking. The best options for dinner include those containing highly complex carbohydrates and low in fat. The carbohydrates will make sleeping easier and also supply your body with much-needed fuel to begin your mornings.

Spaghetti squash

Just as the title describes it, spaghetti squash closely resembles an actual plate of spaghetti. Made up of 92.3 percent of water, carbohydrates, Vitamins B and C, potassium and, fiber and coupled with your favorite sauce and topping are you looking at a very low-calorie fulfilling meal. With adopting this as an option, you can anticipate to cut 200 calories per serving compared to two cups of wheat spaghetti.

Mashed Potatoes

Obviously mashed potatoes aren’t a complete meal but they can serve as an excellent side dish to any meal. By simply preparing homemade mashed potatoes with your favorite potato, non fat milk, a pinch or two of salt, non fat margarine, and water you will not only have created a tasty meal but on which is highly nutritious. You can expect to cut close to 50 calories and 6 grams of fat compared to a single cup of traditionally prepared mashed potatoes.

Considering how important storing good carbohydrates over night are to your body, a good dinner has to be a focus of yours. Aside from supplying your body with energy in the morning, a good dinner can help to jump-start your metabolism and get your weight loss plan moving in the right direction. With breakfast, lunch, and dinner covered, the next most logical option would include a savory desert or snack.