Get Motivated to Quit Smoking – 5 Good Reasons Why You Should

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Nicotine is an incredibly addictive substance and once you have started the smoking habit it is a very difficult one to break. Sometimes however, it’s not just the cravings that make it hard but the general lack of motivation to stop in the first place.

With this in mind here are 5 good reasons to get you motivated to quit and help you towards a healthier and more rewarding life…

1 – Look after yourself and considerably reduce the risk of serious, often fatal diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

2 – Enjoy your life more by having much more cardiovascular stamina to do the activities that you enjoy even if this is just playing in the park with your children for instance.

3 – Smell better. The smell of smoke gets everywhere, on your skin, on your clothes, in your hair and it even permeates the furnishings in your house.

4 – Take more control over your life. Have you ever driven half way to work only to have to turn around because you have forgotten to bring your cigarettes?

5 – Just think of all the money that you will save by quitting. Use the money to buy new clothes, treat your partner, upgrade your computer, treat yourself to a nice meal in a fancy restaurant more often or put it towards a family vacation. The list is endless and it’s surprising just how quickly the money can mount up.

Of course these are just some of the reasons why you should quit smoking but I hope that they have given you the motivation to at least give it a shot.