Healthy Beautiful Life

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Life is a constant struggle against the odds. We spend our days running to complete our jobs or sitting in an office to complete that one last file. As human we are challenged every day but we have to beat the opposing forces and live our lives. These opposing forces do take their toll on us. As humans, we should know that our body has limits and if we exceed these limits then there will be adverse consequences. This insensitivity towards oneself is the main cause for so much suffering around us in the form of diseases and ailments. Not a day passes by when we are reminded of the fruits of a healthy life.

It is true that humans have become blind towards themselves. Take the example of a smoker. A smoker smokes for several reasons: It can be peer pressure, some sort of stress or just to pass time. In doing so the smoker does not realizes that he is afflicting upon himself such serious damage. He afflicts this damage on others as passive smoking but it doesn’t come into any record. Another example can be taken of an obese person who doesn’t give up upon unhealthy eating. These classic examples show us that it is the humans themselves who fall into the pit of sufferings.

There are some classic tips that are known worldwide to make lifestyle healthy. Eating a healthy diet is one of them. We should eat a balanced diet and never miss the breakfast. Exercising keeps our body fit and it also regulates blood supply in the skin making it more healthy and glowing. Keeping your teeth clean and flossed is another life prolonger. Avoiding stress is another strategy which makes people happier and tolerable. Getting timely cure for a disease when it is detected is also a classic tip. Although an in-depth study reveals that there are many other tips related to health and beauty, that can be followed to make life better. It is safe to say that beauty comes with health and even if it is achieved with artificial methods it is not worth celebrating.