Healthy Low Fat Recipes – How to Pick the Best Ones

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Going on a weight loss diet is not easy. You have to prepare your meal plans very carefully. You also have to do your best to avoid processed and canned foods and to prepare your meals on your own. There are plenty of healthy low fat recipes available in cookbooks and on the internet. You can readily take advantage of all resources available. But unfortunately not all recipes are as healthy and beneficial for weight loss as they are presented to be. That is why it is a good idea to use some basic principles on which to base your choice of dishes.

Most salads are healthy as they have plenty of vegetables. However, you should check carefully the ingredients for the dressing as well. It is best if the salad is prepared just with the use of some virgin olive oil and a tiny bit of salt. You can readily pick recipes with vinegar dressings. This ingredient is an effective appetite suppressant and aids weight loss. You should definitely avoid salads with rich dressings such as ready sauces.

You can choose between any kinds of soups, but the vegetable ones are best. You should avoid recipes that have potatoes in them. The soups that require you to put cream are also not low fat even though they might offer you to use low fat dairy products. The chicken soups are good. But they should contain only white meat and no skin. You might readily want to avoid the noodle soups which are rich in starchy carbs.

There are plenty of health low fat recipes for main courses. You should definitely choose ones that require you to use only lean beef or chicken and no minces. The way in which the meat is prepared is also essential for the preservation of its nutritional qualities. It is best for it to be not too well done. Also, in order to make the chicken succulent you might want to put it in a kind of marinade first. Keep in mind that adding some spice to the main course speeds up the metabolism. You can choose to put some chilly or sprinkle some cayenne. You should never have a main course with potatoes or rice as a side dish.

The healthy low fat recipes for desserts should require you to use as little sugar as possible. If you have to use dairy, it has to be low fat. Generally, it is best for you to have only fruit for dessert after a lunch or dinner meal.