Healthy Pasta Dishes

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Its dinner time and you’re wondering what to make. All housewives ask this question daily while mentally checking off all prerequisites. Will the children like it? Is it nutritious? Is it healthy? Do I have enough to time to prepare it after coming home from work? Can we afford it? Pasta covers all of these and a healthy pasta dish is one of the most popular meals in the world and a personal favorite of mine.

Pasta is easy to make and you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen. Kids love it and although it has all those carbs, whole wheat pasta is a good source of dietary fiber. Furthermore, preparing a Healthy Pasta dish at home is recommended where you are in charge of the ingredients you add. Try to always keep the size of a portion under control and by adding more vegetables and lean meat you couldn’t ask for a more delightful and healthy meal.

To most people, pasta means spaghetti and meatballs. It is not so. By using your imagination and whatever is available in your pantry you can make some very healthy pasta dishes with simple toppings such as grated cheese, or by adding lean meat, leafy green vegetables, red and green peppers, or onion and garlic you can have a masterpiece of nutrition that will be healthy and economical. You can also serve a healthy pasta dish warm, with a delicious sauce or cold, in a salad.

When you need that extra bit of magic in your meals, forget the same old boring recipes you have been using for ages and try some of these healthy pasta dishes at home for a change.

These healthy pasta dishes can be prepared in very little time and are sure to be a hit with family and friends who might decide to drop in suddenly:

– Mushrooms, tomatoes, onion and bits of bacon sautéed in olive oil with garlic paste.

– Tuna with chili, fresh tomatoes and onion sautéed in olive oil and seasoned with pepper and salt, to be served with the pasta.

– Spinach, sliced cucumber, rocket leaves, and a few halved cherry tomatoes mixed together in salad cream or to make it a more healthy pasta dish, you can use tomato sauce.

– Breadcrumbs sautéed in olive oil with chili and garlic with a few herbs such as oregano or basil and seasoned with pepper and salt.

– You can also add cooked pasta to a bowl of chicken, or vegetable soup which the children will love and will also be a healthy and nutritious meal for them.

It is always much better to use a tomato based sauce rather than a cream sauce in order to keep your meal healthy.

A healthy pasta dish is also good for athletes as it helps sportsmen by creating energy. This is due to the fact that pasta contains carbohydrates which are stored as glycogen in the muscles and acts as a source of energy during strenuous workouts.

Now you can say “ciao” to the boring old spaghetti and meatball dishes and ‘wow’ your family and friends with easy to prepare healthy pasta dishes with great toppings and delicious sauces.