Finding the Motivation to Exercise – Simple & Effective Tips

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Finding the motivation to exercise is all about tuning your mind to the right channel. Motivation’s a funny concept in that it disappears as easy as it comes. We make grand plans on Sunday night to start exercising from Monday. Quite often you do manage to exercise on Monday and maybe even Tuesday. Then it starts to drop off until eventually your back at Sunday night making more grand plans for Monday. Sound familiar? Don’t worry I’ve been there.

Mind Over Matter

Your mind is a very powerful tool that you have at your disposal. Finding the motivation to exercise starts in there. There’s a reason you want to exercise. It could be to lose weight, it could be to pack on some muscle, or it could just be for health and well being. Whatever your reason is, you need to remember that every time you wake up. Whenever you start considering skipping your routine, just stop and think.

 “If I skip my exercise, am I going to move toward or away from my goal?”

 “The only way I’m going to get the results I want is if I exercise, so that’s what I’m going to do!”

Setting Goals

Setting goals is a great way to remind yourself of why you should get up and exercise. By setting higher level goals you can break them down into weekly goals. All of a sudden exercising has a much more real impact. Sit down and write down your goals and every week update your weekly goals. Everyday look at your goals and remind yourself what you’re trying to achieve. Finding the motivation to exercise becomes a lot easier when you have a clear and defined purpose.